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"But armaan. What would you do. If you don't know her. How would you find..." Mrs.rizvi asked.

Armaan who was standing by the window turned and looked at her ammi with pure sympathy and helplessness. Making her stop her speech.

"Ammi even a thought like this makes me sadden till soul. I am trying very hard. You won't know. But I do each time I am this close to find her. I could not ammi." Armaan said as he kept his hand on his chest. His heart was hurting.

"I don't know what to do". Said armaan hopelessly and continued " ammi please tell me what to do. I don't know what should I do or think. Ammi. I just can't get over her. I know it all sounds stupid and cheesy but it's true. Ammi. It's true." Armaan said.

Mrs.rizvi was feeling very sad for his only son. She never thought her some would end up like that.

She signaled armaan to come and sit beside her. When he did she began to say
"Do you remember one time when you were filling a preference form." Mrs.rizvi asked him.

"What it got to do with this." Armaan asked mrs.rizvi as he looked confused at her ammi.
"Just answer me. Do you remember when you were filling a preference form for the university that you wanted to join." She asked again.

"Yes. I do remmber. I filled but the portal kept on rejecting the form and had a glitch. Yes why." Armaan said.

"Hmmm. You were so furious, you thought that the portal would never accept your form. And you blamed everything to Allah. You. Yourself said if Allah has planned everything for the best then why would Allah not want me to get the admission. Why is Allah being so bad to you. Why Allah hates you." Mrs.rizvi could see the wheels turning in armaan's head.

"And then it turned out that the university hadn't released any such kind of portal. It was all fake." Mrs.rizvi said.
"Yes. I do remmber. But ammi what it has to do with this now. I don't understand you." Armaan asked.

"So. It is that... all the fuss and worries you had turned out to be in waste. While in the end you not only got admitted to the university but also got a scholarship. All the worries and restlessness that you are having now are just for a while either you get trap in the fake admission portal or you wait for the form and scholarship, it's on you... Well the bottom line is that Allah is al-Qadar.

لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا
"Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear..." (Qur'an, 2:286).

If you stand back and take a look at the whole picture, you will realize that what you have when faced by a tragedy is a choice. Will you go through the stages of grief, denying Allah's destiny and the wisdom of His plan for you? Or will you realize that what you are going through is something you know you can handle because you are His creation! and ALLAH loves His creations!.

As for now you keep on searching her. If you couldn't, just leave everything on Allah." Mrs.rizvi stopped and left armaan with her words. Making him think deeply about it.

Armaan don't know what to do now, he pulled his prayer mat and spread it out.
Armaan raised his hand for dua.

"Ya Allah. You are Al Muqtadir, The All Determiner; The Dominant. Your believer is in need for your help. You indeed are As Samee' The All-Hearing. Please help me out. Show me the way. You've been always there with me. No matter what you've always helped me."
Tears were rolling down his cheeks.
When he was satisfied he got up.

He had now left Allah to decide. He would definitely do what's the best for him. And he won't make any fuss and worried about anything now as advised by her ammi.

He finally got out of the room had lunch and worked for the rest of the day. You can't keep armaan away from work for a long time.

He was ready for what was going to come in his life. But he didn't knew it would be this soon...

But the question is what was that ALLAH had planned for them. No one knew. How would all these hearts that were entangled in each other would find there way out to there final destiny.

Would the fate be in the favor of there heart or it would end them all with a heart break...

A/N: hey reader's. What's up. Another chapter here. Well don't dare leave without hitting the star, at the corner. Come on you got to hit it at the end of day.
Anyway enjoy and keep reading.
Till next time


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