Chapter 3

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Hugo's POV

I arrived five minutes ago for Sofia's party. I went inside and I was the first one to actually come.

For half an hour the ballroom was begging to be filled with guests, mostly our classmates.

As my eyes traveled across the room, I was hoping to catch a look from a certain someone, and after 5 seconds I did.

She approached me with a smile I knew that's gonna last me forever. I smiled back knowing I have to make a move, even though I know I was paralyzed, who knew a smile could be so troublesome.

"Hugo, thanks for the dress," she tucked a little bit of hair that was forgotten to be tied with her crown braid.

"Yeah, Sofia, no biggie, I had to make sure you stand out," I scratched the back of my head.

"And you did a good job at that, the fact that your letter said it shouldn't turn to many heads."

"Well I didn't do a good job at that," I chuckled.

Music was suddenly played by the band and I knew I got to take the chance.

I reached out my hand, but a certain someone was fast on his feet and decided to take her away.

"Can I have this dance Princess?," Axel, my big brother asked her.

"Yes you may Prince Axel," she replied, she took Axel's hand.

She went first and Axel turned his head around.

"Do you mind Hugo?," Axel asked in a low voice. He's teasing me, he knows cause I told him.

I crossed my arms and glared at Axel as they went into the dance floor.

I looked inside my coat pocket to check if I brought my gift.

Now, where should I give her this?

Sofia POV

"Sofia, I'd like to ask you something," Axel started the conversation while we're dancing.

I didn't like to take the invitation to dance, but I think it would be impolite to do so, especially because he's Hugo's big brother.

"Ask away," I replied.

"What does Amber like?," I was shocked with his question, I would say he's kidding but if it weren't for his loss of confidence at his question, I can tell he's serious.

He darted his eyes away and I could see a pink blush building in his cheeks and slowly going at his ears.

I already know Amber likes Desmond

"Well, why do you ask?," I asked him to get more assurance if he's really serious about Amber.

"You're right this is stupid, I shouldn't have asked that," he let go of my hand and bowed.

He walked away but I grabbed his wrist.

"Axel, maybe you should just ask her out? I'm sure she'll give an answer, but whatever answer she gives, I trust that you will respect her decision."

He nodded at my statement and smiled at me softly. "Thank you, Sofia," Hugo said and bowed again.

I looked around to see if I can spot Hugo in the crowd.

I looked around and greeted other guests but between all that time I still can't see him.

Maybe he just went somewhere? I'm sure he'll be back. For now, I should be happy with the party.

I smiled at myself.

Hugo POV

I went out the castle to get some fresh air. I looked at my gift for Sofia. I'm not exactly sure if she'll love it, but she loves the dress, so atleast that's good.

Ever since we graduated from Royal Prep Academy, it was hard for us to hang out since we all had our different paths, the time was not exactly cooperating with us, well me.

I walked around the garden and sat on the grass. I took a breath of fresh air and I closed my eyes.

At that moment, I felt something land on my shoulder.

Sofia The First : Is the Time Right?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang