Chapter 19

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Hugo POV

"Believe me, she said for the meantime," I argued, Axel was telling me to let Sofia go, he said it was for the best

I know what Sofia said that night, I wasn't really drunk that night, I knew what I was doing and I know what I gave Sofia that night. I made it hard for me and the way that she acted, I'm not exactly sure if she'd want to get back together.

"Hugo, listen it's for the best," he said repeating that line for the hundredth time.

I don't even know what Axel is thinking, why is he forcing this, a few weeks ago, he was full on supporting me with Sofia, but now I don't really know anymore.

I groaned and paced back and forth. He was looking at me pace while he was sitting on my couch.

"Why are you forcing this on me?," I asked him and his face changed an expression for just a second but it was enough for me to notice.

"Axel, what's wrong?," I asked him with a hint of concern and anger, because for a fact, he kept something concerning me. 

"You really need to marry someone," he said and looked down with his hands clasped.

"Why?," I asked angrily, but I needed to keep an indoor voice since everyone in the palace is almost asleep.

I don't really know why we are having this conversation, he just barged in here and he just went directly to this conversation.

"You are going to be the one ruling this kingdom," he replied and I was shock, so I took a step back.

"What are you saying?," I asked again, knowing full well that Axel is supposed to be the next ruler.

Did he change his mind, or did someone?

"I'm going to marry Amber," he said and my eyes went wide, I almost went speechless.

"What?," I asked trying to make everything  make sense.

I thought they weren't good, but now they are, so the past few weeks Axel continued to court Amber. He succeeded I guess, with a gleam in his eyes at the mention of her name, he turned to a lovesick puppy for a second.

"We got together a weeks ago," he sighed," Listen, Amber is going to rule Enchancia, and if she marries me, James is going to be the next ruler, that is not quite an option they we're putting out." 

I'm happy for him, I really am, but I think I know where this is going but I'm going to hear it anyway.

He stood up and looked at me. I know he's serious about this, and he was hoping I'd agree, they decided without me, but I want him to be happy, and if this means he gets that, then I'm willing.

If I won't be happy with Sofia, and I will never be, at least he gets to be happy and that's enough for me.

"Sofia can't rule since he's marrying Arden, and so Dad said you'd just rule this one," he said but I was just hoping I could get more time to wait for Sofia.

"Okay," I sighed and I looked at Axel," but I need more time, just to make sure."

"A week," he said and I just nodded, hoping it was enough to get Sofia back. 

I'm so close to giving up, and i know a week isn't going to cut it, Arden and Sofia had an engagement party, and I know they aren't going to break it off so easily, especially just for someone like me.

I looked at the ground and Axel grabbed my shoulder, but I didn't bother to look up.

"Good night," he said and the next thing I heard was the door closing.

I looked out the window, and saw that some stars cannot be seen, and I can see lightning, so a storm is probably coming.

A lightning struck and the rain started, and then that's when I decided I'd go to Sofia tomorrow, and hopefully, this time I'd get her back, and I'm making sure that I'd do it right this time unlike what happened three days ago, if someone saw us at that time, I'd lose face and create gossip.

I laid in my bed and looked at the ceiling, and seconds later I closed my eyes, with Sofia in my mind.



Hi guys, listen, I'm suggesting you a new show that will keep you shipping for more. Ahem Leodora

It's called Legend Quest and it's on Netflix, I love the characters and the adventures they go through.

Season 1 is a bit rough on the edges, but Season 2( Legend Quest: Masters of Myth) is much better, the animation on the second season is very close to the animation of Tangled the series.

Season 2 showcases a lot of character development and relationship development. You'll understand Season 2 without watching the first Season, but the first Season adds a bit of explanation, nevertheless you can watch the Second Season by itself and you'll understand it.

So what are you waiting for, watch now!

Legend Quest and Legend Quest:Masters of Myth is out on Netflix

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