Chapter 5

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Hugo POV

I was a coward, she was right there, it would've been perfect, but no, I chickened out. Actually, a chicken would've been braver.

"Did you give her the bracelet?," Axel asked while we we're flying back home.

"No," I was stuck watching the stars in the distance. I took out the box and looked at the bracelet, it had a small violet rose pendant. I made it myself, it took weeks.

"What happened, I saw both of you in the garden," I sighed and I felt Axel smile softly.

"That's okay, maybe some other time," Axel gave me a big part on the bag.

It hurt, but it gave me a bit of confidence.

"But, what if I don't find another moment again?"

"Well, she's not going anywhere."

"She may not be going anywhere, but she's about to go out with someone."

"What?!," I saw Axel getting nervous.

"Why what's wrong?"

"If Sofia is finding a suitor, that means," I realized what was going on.

"Which means, Amber is also finding a suitor," My eyes went wide with that realization and I looked at my brother, and let's just say he wasn't in a good state with this kind of information getting to him.

"This is going to be a long night," I sighed as we flew all the way back to our castle.

As we arrived at our castle, I went back straight to my room and got ready for bed.

I laid on my bed and went under the covers. I looked up at the ceiling.

"You have your chance next week Hugo, you can do this, I hope, she's been your friend for 10 years, don't think too much," I said to myself and just reminisced of my times with Sofia.

"How about I sign up as a suitor? Will that be weird... Yeah, that'll be weird."

I had trouble going to sleep, I kept thinking about Sofia, especially her future fiance or worse, husband.

I put a pillow on my face and screamed.


I woke up early and decided to do something with my day. Maybe it's good that I forget what's happening right now.

I decided to go somewhere where I can enjoy, there's a island that is a whole restaurant, maybe it's better if I go there.

I knocked on Axel's door.

"It's so early, what do you want?" I heard him with a groggy voice.

"Do you want to go somewhere?" I asked him.

"Exactly where?," He asked having a little interest.

" You remember that island that we had a talk about?"

"Which one?"

"The one that is a whole restaurant"

"Sure" Axel answered.

"Please dress up quickly" I pleased and knock on his door three times before going back to my room to get my satchel.

I was the first one to get into the carriage and 10 minutes later I saw Axel walking towards me.

He went inside and we signaled the coach to go.

We landed after half an hour. We said to the coach to pick us up at exactly 4 in the evening.

We looked around and later we found a fancy looking man walking towards us.

"Prince Hugo and Prince Axel, pleasure having you here, now where do you like to sit?," Axel and I were shocked on how he knows our names.

"We know every royalties face and name" He said knowing that we were creeped out on what just happened.

"Well," Axel coughed and stood straight.

"Back to your question, we would like to sit next to the window please," Axel continued and the waiter just let us to a table.

"Just raise your hand if you are ready to order your highnesses," the waiter  went away and we relaxed for a moment.

"This is kinda nice," Axel said and I just nodded and took a breath of fresh air.

The island was surrounded by trees, setting the perfect atmosphere to eat. It was beautiful indeed.

Someone sat close to us and we're not eavesdropping it's just they talk too loud.

"Yeah, I have a meet up with a princess," the man said.

"What's the name?" The other man asked.


My eyes went wide and I tried to block off the thoughts that it wasn't really Sofia, that maybe it was some other princess.

We heard a carriage land outside, I looked to see who it was, and let me tell you, it was more beautiful than any island I've ever seen.

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