Chapter 12

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Sofia POV

"PRINCE ARDEN?," Hugo shouted.

"I'm sorry, it's so sudden, but I have to," I told him about me marrying Prince Arden and I know that by the looks of it he's not really happy.

I have no choice, I have to take care of my people first before myself that was my duty, and even if I want to fight the war we won't win, so this is the best solution.

"I can help you," Hugo sighed. "I just have to-," I shushed him. "Hugo, I don't want you to be included in this, I know you care," I said as I touched his face. "but this is something that our kingdom should take care of."

"Sofia, this isn't right, you know it isn't." He said, I don't have the courage to look him in the eye. I was a coward, I couldn't even stand up for myself.

"Sofia, if this is what you really want," He lifted my head and looked at me dead in the eyes." Then I have no choice but to let you go."

I felt tears building up in my eyes, I was scared to let them fall. I decided to tell him this but I have to be strong, I don't want it to add Hugo's regrets.

"Thank you for telling me," He said and I just smiled, and I was swallowing every second just to stop my tears from falling.

"I also thank you for understanding, I hope that we can still be friends," I said and I looked at the bracelet Hugo gave me.

All those memories flooded my mind and it just makes my heart heavier. I couldn't keep the bracelet, it hurts.

I took off the bracelet and Hugo looked at what I'm doing and he looked like he couldn't believe what I'm doing.

I took his hand and open it and there I placed the bracelet. It was so hard to let it go, but I know I had to. I couldn't bare to look at it.

Hugo tried so hard to hold his tears, but he failed and soon I saw a tear fell from one of his eyes, and then another.

I smiled just making the atmosphere lighter, but I think I just made it worse.

"Sofia..." he whispered. "It's yours I gave it to you," He said and I looked at the bracelet again.

"I know, but I can't keep it, I feel like it's wrong," I said and the tears that I was holding back broke free and I felt like I was a mess in front of Hugo.

I closed his hand. "I love you," he whispered. "I know," I said and I felt our face getting closer and closer.

I shouldn't kiss him, I turned my face away. "Sorry Hugo, I couldn't,"I sighed and I lightly sobbed.

This is what being a princess is all about, the title is just a cover, being royalty isn't all about fun and games. It was a job, the time that I decided to wear that crown, it became my duty to protect my people, to become someone they look up to and respect.

Marrying a prince just to keep them safe is one of my duties.

I hugged Hugo to say goodbye and he hugged me back. I wanted to just stay there forever. It felt right, it felt safe and it felt like home.

"I guess this is goodbye?," I spoke and he was lost for a moment and when he realized that I spoke he went back to reality and faked a smile.

"I suppose it is," he said and the next thing that he did just made things harder for me. He kissed my forehead.

Even if Hugo didn't explain it to me, I fully understood. I looked him in the eye and he nodded.

A sign that he is letting me go, that he understands and that he will regret.

I put on a fake smile to show him that I was happy that he understood.

"Your Highness," he bowed like nothing happened and as a sign of respect I did too.

"I truly appreciate your company, maybe some other time," I said.

I turned and walked straight to the door, leaving everything behind. Leaving my past and my supposed to be future behind.

I grabbed the handle and the only noise that I heard was the door closing behind me.

"No regrets."


Wait for the update guys ;)

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