Chapter 8

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Hugo POV

I lied on my bed and smiled as I stared at my ceiling.

Remembering everything that has happened earlier, I blushed at that memory. I still can't believe that it happened.

A knock on the door cut off my thoughts.

"Come in," I said and Axel appeared. "Hey," I greeted.

"Hey," I heard him sigh. "Why, what's up?," I asked him and signaled him to sit beside me.

"Well, I know this is going to be weird asking this to you, and I kno-" he rambled. "Axel," I said and he looked at me.

"What's going on?," I asked him and he looked down while fidgeting with his hands. "It's Amber," he said.

"I should've guessed," I said and I rubbed my forehead. "Okay, let's do this," I patted my chest and signaled him to a hug.

"What? No-," Axel suddenly moved away a little.

"C'mon now, don't be shy," I went closer and tried to hug him, he tried to dodge it but I was fast.

"You have a minute to enjoy this," I said and he just hugged me. "I got rejected again," he said and I was a little shocked at what he said.

I didn't know that he asked Amber again.

He broke off the hug and he took a deep breath.

"The time that Sofia and you went out the garden, that's when it happened. Amber was also having a trouble with her date so I decided to step in, as soon as the problem was handled, she said to me, 'Hugo your sweet, but I just can't see myself with you, I'm sorry, I know you mean well' that's what she said and let me tell you little bro, reality slapped me 10 times in the face," He finished and drown his face in his hands

"So are you going to give up?," I asked him. "I don't know, maybe, I don't know," He replied and I know he was stumped at the moment but the he sprung up and I was startled.

"I'm not giving up, atleast one last time or two?," He said and encouraged himself. I smiled at his confidence.

"What about you? How are you and Sofia?," He asked and I smirked.

"Don't tell me," he had a shocked expression.

"Yep, we kissed," I said and he gave me a big part on the back.

"That's my bro, what's your next step?," He asked and suddenly I remembered that Sofia is still in that suitor thing.

"Can I be Sofia's suitor?," I asked Axel and he replied," Of course, ask Dad to talk to King Roland and maybe they'll set it up."

On that night, I went to dad and did exactly what Axel suggested. Luckily he agreed and he thought this may be a good opportunity for the two kingdoms.

Tomorrow was my date with Sofia and I'm nervous, really nervous. I'm shaking, what if she realizes she doesn't like me?

I went to sleep feeling very excited for tomorrow I smiled as I closed my eyes and waited for the sun to wake me up the next morning.

I woke up and the sun shined through the window. I rubbed my eyes and got ready, I wore my lucky clothes and got my things ready.

I knocked on my dad's door.

"Yes?," I heard him and I bobbed my head through the door just enough to see him.

"Hugo, early in the morning I see," He stopped what he's doing.

"Yeah, I just thought I'd pick up Sofia," I said and he chuckled.

"You're really serious about her, okay, you two have fun," He said and waved goodbye.

I left and went to Enchancia.

We landed on the ground and I knocked on the door. Baileywick was the first one to greet me and led me to wait somewhere.

"I'll just call Sofia, tell her that her suitor's here," He said and bowed.

I looked at around the room, and occupied my time while waiting for Sofia, I tried to calm myself, but I'm still nervous especially now I'm in here.

Is it too late to back out, I was about to stand up and I heard someone opened the door.

"Hugo!," Sofia entered with a shocked expression.

I looked at her on awe, she was beautiful, gorgeous, not enough words can sum her up. I looked at her in the eyes and smiled.

"That's me!."

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