Chapter 20

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Hugo POV

Today is the day, the day I go to Sofia, one last time before everything.

A knock was heard on my door.

"Yes?," I asked as I fixed my hair infront of the mirror, I have to make myself presentable at least.

"Princess Yasmin is here," the royal butler said and I gulped.

I opened the door,"thank you for informing me."

He bowed and continued on his daily duties, while I was having a full on panic attack.

I can't be rude to her, I have to go see her, I don't want complicated relationships.

I went on to the living area and found her sitting gracefully like a princess was trained to be.

"Princess Yasmin," I said with a smiled and she smiled back but sadness was evident in her eyes.

"Prince Hugo," she stood up and curtsied while I returned the action to her, bowing I mean.

"Please sit down," I said and pointed at the sofa, I did the same and my hands clasped together.

"What brings you to our kingdom?,"I asked her hoping the question was not rude in anyway.

"I just wanted to discuss a few things with you," she said and I nodded.

"What do you want to discuss?," I'm not feeling nervous or anything, or I'm just telling myself that, because my shaking hand tells otherwise.

"Marriage," she said and that was something that I never expected to hear from a well-mannered princess.

"Marriage? Such a big word," I said and sweat was trickling at the side of my face.

She giggled, "Not to you, Prince Hugo," she said and that puts me at ease, atleast.

Then I got confused, marriage, but not to me, then who is it?

"Here," she gave me an invitation and when I then I saw Arden's name with Yasmin's.

I was shocked, it's only been a few weeks, how did this happen? Not that I don't want to stop the wedding, but how?

"I see you took the information well," she chuckled.

"That means?"

"Yes, Sofia is not Arden's anymore," she said and my body was filled with joy, I never thought existed these past few weeks.

"Thank you for the invitation Princess Yasmin," I said and she smiled at me.

"Go to her," she said and I ran to the nearest flying horse I could find and rode that to Enchancia.

I went as fast as I can, as soon as I landed I tied my horse and knocked on the castle door.

Baileywick looked at me and knew exactly why I'm here, he just smiled and led me the way to where Sofia was.

She was having tea with Arden, and she was smiling.

So, did Princess Yasmin just play with me? Was the invitation a fake?

"Princess Sofia," Baileywick called out to her in such a polite manner.

She turned her head,"Yes?," and she saw my presence that produced a small gasp on her part.

"Hugo," she said my name like I have never heard before, it's like finding me after a storm.

"I better leave you two," Arden stood up and fixed his suit. "And don't forget to go to my wedding."

So Yasmin didn't lie?

Arden approached me and grabbed my one shoulder.

"Don't leave her, that one's rare, but mine is still better," he said and gave me a small smile.

He passed by me and soon Baileywick also caught the signal and left me and Sofia alone.

I approached her slowly, everything is slowing down, and I felt like I was in heaven walking to it's gate.

Moments later, I reached her.

"Hugo," tears welled up in her eyes and saying my name really affected her.

My name was enough to know that she loved me, and she still loves me.

I embraced her and she nuzzled into my chest.

"I thought you'd hate me," she said and she hugged me.

"How could I?," I said and I looked her in the eyes.

"How couldn't you?, I hurt you so much, so, so much," she said as tears fell down her eyes.

I didn't what to say so I just hugged her, as tight as I could never wanting to let go again.

I reached for her lips and she melted into the kiss.

She stared into my eyes and looked deep within my soul, like looking at me, and that's when it I knew.

She was the one, maybe that's why she's called Sofia the first.

My first and my last.


This is the final chapter, hope that you like the ending.

Comment if you want a bonus chapter.

If you have questions, you can simply message me on Wattpad and I'll gladly answer the questions and publish it as one of the chapters.

Love you all, thank you for the support, it's been wonderful writing this.

This is my new Sofia The First Fanfiction

This is my new Sofia The First Fanfiction

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Here is the synopsis:

A harmless piece of paper caused all of these. As Sofia and Hugo were working on a project together for Potions 101. They got a book regarding on Human Behavior Spells. Deciding that they would make a truth potion. Finishing the potion, Sofia said that she would try the potion. After drinking Sofia became head over heels for Hugo. Hugo tried to look for what happened wrong, but the spell that they really tried to do was a love potion. Asking for help from Ms. Fiona, she said that the spell would last for a week and they still need to do their project. A week with a lovesick Sofia wouldn't be bad, or so he thought.

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