Chapter 10

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"Not on the list, there's a list?," I whispered the last phrase to myself and I looked at Sofia.

I looked at Sofia and she knew what was going on, so she tried to fix the situation and dodge from embarrassment.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was our restaurant, maybe next time," she said and the man just nodded with a smile believing what Sofia said.

We walked to our carriage and sat down. Why didn't I think that there would be a list, I should've.

"Sofia, listen, I'm-," I tried to explain but she smiled at me and said, "I know Hugo, you didn't know, but what should we do?."

Suddenly an idea popped in my head. "Sofia, I have the perfect place," she raised a brow.

"Thank you," I said as our food was given to us while we're sitting in our garden in the palace.

"Hugo, this was such a great last minute idea," Sofia said and I saw a genuine smile in her face.

"It isn't like a restaurant though," I said and I put food on Sofia's plate and gave it to her.


I looked at her, " It's amazing," she said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I felt blood rush to my face making it red. I'm just glad that the sun has gone already, or else I would be more red than a tomato.

"Well then, I'm glad you like it," I handed her, her plate and the she looked at the sky while eating her food.

I still doubt myself, even though I know that she's enjoying it, but what if she doesn't really like me? What if she's just trying to be nice so she won't hurt my feeling?

"There's a lot of guys out there," I said and she looked at me waiting for my next words.

"I understand if you don't want to be with me, I mean I'm only your second suitor, and I know I'm not exactly the best guy," She then went closer and I feel my face getting closer too.

That little space between us was gone for what I felt like forever. It was perfect, it really was and I couldn't have asked for more.

We broke off the kiss and I looked into her deep blue eyes, I could see her, all of her and I was happy that she gave me that chance.

She leaned into my shoulder and I held her hand, and for the rest of the evening we just enjoyed the scenery.

"Mademoiselle," I said and I reached out my hand hoping she would take it while she gets off the carriage. "Merci," she went along and giggled.

"Hugo, thank you for the beautiful evening," she said and gave me hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm happy that you're happy," I said and I waited for her to go inside before I leave.

She gave me one last wave and she then went inside. I went back home and went straight to my room. It was a tiring day, but it's a day that I know I'll never forget.

"Hey bro," and that voice will be no other than Axel of course.

"How was the date?," He asked and I gave a smiled that reached both my ears. "It was," I gave a lot of okay signs.

"With just the smile on your face I could tell that it's perfect, no need to run it in," He said and sighed. I knew this was about Amber again.

"Axel, it's hard to woo a person that has no interest in you," I said and told him reality, he looked more sad.

"I know it's hard for you, but you have to let go once you know you've had enough," I said and I added," like we always said, suck it in," We said the last part at the same time.

"Thanks Hugo, I should tell Amber that I'm sorry for wasting some of her time the past few days," He said and walked out of the room.

It's hard to move on, especially if Axel had been in love with Amber for years.

I looked at the stars and reminisced the things that happened earlier, I smiled at each thought, but who can blame me, I'm just living my life and it just turned out to be better.

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