• can you show me•

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Hinata POV
"I can't see" he says. "But can you show me?"

In that moment I knew exactly what he meant. I took his hand, and with it, traced the deep scratches I'd been giving myself this whole time.

I hadn't intentionally been cutting myself, but the way things are it sort of just worked out like that.

There were deep ones on my knuckles and back wrist, and minor ones to go around.

"Why are your hands so thin" he says.

I genuinely didn't want to respond.

"I umm-"

"Mr. Tobio!" The American lady walks in.

I quickly release his hands and we jerk back from each other

"Hinata, I'm going to ask you to leave now" she says "they need you to sign release papers"

"Your parents aren't here?" Kageyama says.

"Alright" I say to the lady, bowing. "Get well soon Kageyama"

When I got down to the lobby, most of the team was already there.

"What're you guys doing here?" I ask.

"Jeez Hinata" Tsukishima says. "You look bad"

"Do I really?" I say. I hadn't thought about what other people might think when they see my face. I touch it out of self consciousness, and flinch a little from the pain.

"Did you guys hear what happened" I ask.

"No, not really" Tanaka says. "Suga and Daichi aren't telling us what's going on, they just said that you got hurt"

That's a relief. I wonder what the team would do if they knew Kageyama did this.

Would they be scared of him?
Would they think I'm weak?

Either way, it's good that they don't know.

"It's really not a big deal" I say. "I had a pretty bad accident while riding my bike and since I had to go to the hospital anyways, Kageyama is staying for a checkup"

A pretty damn good lie if I do say so myself.

Kageyama POV
The doctor did some normal checkups.

Both for my eyes and my hands which were hurt from hitting both the floor and Hinata.

"And that should do it" she says, before leading me down to the front desk where my parents were waiting for me.

They showered me with millions of questions before taking me home.

The next day, my sister dropped me to school.

"What are you doing?" I asked her. "Where's Hinata?"

"He umm..." she started. "He said he couldn't come today"

A huge lump formed in my throat. He hadn't missed a day since my accident.

I'm sure he was released from the hospital on the first day, so why wasn't here.

Each step on the way to school, was one hole dig deeper into my thoughts.

Did something happen to him?
Did something happen with us?
Is he too scared to walk with me?
Is that the time I'll see him again?

I shake my head to clear my mind.

No that can't be true! He said he was fine.

Then again his nose was broken.

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