6. L U C Y

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Six weeks later:

"Doctor Lucy, could you please report to A&E, there's a child just come in. They need a paediatrician.

"Sure thing, Kathy."

Work had been completely mad this week, I was rushed off my feet. I'd done nine days in a row due to a child coming in with a rare disease, then another one needed emergency surgery due to Cancer. It had been a emotional rollercoaster, but I was crying more than ever recently. Usually I got upset, but not this much. Maybe I was due my period, that shifted my emotions enough.

Actually when was my last period?

I began dwelling on that thought after that ridiculous one night stand I'd had, my periods usually came the right time. The pill I was on meant I'd still have a period every month. It was confusing but it was the only one that worked for me, all other forms of contraception had either made me ill, or caused my hormones to become worse.

I was about to consider the possibility that I missed it, but was stopped when I rounded the corner to A&E and saw the small child in front of me. She seemed to have a strange rash all over her skin, and my fear was meningitis. Usually they caught a fever first, vomiting, sore limbs and cold hands and feet. If she'd had that, then I was sending her straight to the children's department. It was one of the best in our hospital, therefore she would be in the safest of hands.

I was about to ask for the notes from the current doctor in charge and the paramedics, when I had a wave of nausea hit me. My head started spinning, making me feel more sick, and my body went weak.

"Doctor Lucy, are you okay?"

"N-nno I don't feel too good. Stuttering my words out, I could barely see in front of me.

"Let's sit you down. You've gone white as a ghost!"

The last thing I remember is doctor Finch trying to sit me down, and then everything went blank. My body tumbled falling into someone's arms, and my whole body went limp.

An hour later:

"Lucy can you hear me?"

The faint sound of a woman's high pitched voice circled through my ears and into my brain. I was too out of it to even recognise the voice.

"She's waking up, just give her a few seconds." A second male voice came from a distance.

I forced my eyelids open, searching the room for where I was. This wasn't my house, my room was ochre yellow with oak furniture. Where as this was terrifyingly white. I could smell a familiar aroma too, and then I realised I was in the hospital. Not at work though, I was a patient.

"Lucy? It's Avery sweetie you fainted." She placed her hand on my face, her voice was frantic and laced with concern.

"What happened?" I croaked out as I took in my surroundings.

"I'll just go fetch the doctor, he was here just a second ago."

She left the room, and I began feeling nauseous. Just like earlier. I slowly started to remember what happened. I felt sick, dizzy, then nothing. Everything was blank. I reached over for a sick bowl, and almost pulled out my cannula. Wiring me to a drip sent panic rushing through my entire body, why did they need to do that? I only fainted, what was happening?

"Ah Lucy. You're awake. Shall we have a chat?"

"Yes what's happening? Why am I on a drip? I only fainted." I blurted out at sonic speed, I doubt they understood what I said.

"Well your temperature had actually reached quite a peak, so I wanted to be on the safe side and do some bloods. Your blood results showed us there were high levels of HCG in your blood. We did a scan while you were out, as we wanted to check that (if you were) baby was okay. Turns out you are, congratulations."

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