20. L U C Y

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It had been a few days since I'd seen Bax, and I was now back at work. My hormones were making me extremely tired, and I was practically a walking zombie. I'm surprised they hadn't sent me home.

I'd spent all morning with the same patient - a three month old baby marred with cuts and bruises. Her parents weren't allowed contact due to her injuries, the police suspected abuse. I also suspected it. It was pretty obvious how a baby gets injuries like that, but neither of them would talk. Strange really, as they both brought the baby in together. They looked devastated, heartbroken even but, without communication from either of them, we had to safeguard the baby from them. The police had also made the decision to not let anyone near her, including grandparents, uncles or aunts etc. As we wasn't sure what had happened. All I could think about was how I would never hurt my baby like that, and I know Bax wouldn't either. I'd spent the whole time holding my stomach. I knew it wouldn't happen to my baby, but it still made me want to cherish my baby even more. Maybe it was the hormones, and everything that had happened this past week, but I just felt a sudden urge to protect my baby more than ever.

The door opened, and I couldn't have been anymore thankful.

"Dr Partridge, go have your lunch I'll take over. A social worker should be here soon anyway."

Riley, one of the other paediatric doctors, had just walked into the room. I wasn't going to turn down getting lunch, I was starving. I could eat a horse. Literally. Another disadvantage to being pregnant, my appetite had tripled.

All worth it though, I thought as I strolled towards the elevator, my hand cradling my stomach. I couldn't help the smile I was wearing as I thought about my baby. I was trying not to call it a he or a she like I had been doing, because I didn't want to get my hopes up too much for a little girl. Not that it mattered, as long as it was healthy.

I was enjoying the peace and quiet of the empty elevator until the doors opened on the first floor. I always ate in the staff room, but I hadn't brought lunch with me today. Instead I opted for a hot lunch from the hospital café - which may I add, isn't like you'd expect. The food was amazing here. I don't know why I didn't eat here more often.

I hadn't paid attention to my surroundings as I strolled over to the counter. I kept my head down mostly. The last thing I want is to be interrupted, I only got half an hour for my break.

I was about to order when I turned my head slightly and caught sight of Bax. He had a grey T-shirt and black joggers on. He hadn't seen me, he was talking to the guy I'd saw the other day; the one that walked out his room as I walked in. Maybe that was Liam? I'd never met him, but he had mentioned him a few times when we were... well, when we were talking let's say.

He looked a lot better than the other day, his hair was a little more messier than usual, his arm was still in a cast, and the cuts were still visible, but he didn't look as tired. A little stressed, but not exhausted like the other day. Something about him felt more positive, like he was healing well from the accident.

I wish I could heal that quick, my heart was still a shattered mess.

On that thought, I turned my head back to the counter. I'd stood staring for almost five minutes; I was lucky he hadn't caught me.

"Can I take your order?"

"Can I get a jacket potato with beans please." I asked the lady over the counter, completely ignoring how close Bax was getting to me.

When I moved down the counter to pay, I turned around again to see he was staring at me. My breath hitched as he caught me off guard, I honestly didn't think he was going to see me.

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