19. B A X

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As soon as Melissa came charging in the room I knew that was it. I hadn't told Lucy about me agreeing to the proposal because I couldn't face it. I suppose that makes me a coward, but I couldn't hurt her anymore than I already had.

I know shouting her to come back wasn't the wisest of choices with Melissa and her dad in the room, but I couldn't bare to see her go. Especially after what Melissa said about me not wanting my baby. It's all I did want, was her and our baby. She had no rights saying it.

Of course Liam had come back right when the drama was ending, I could have done with him two minutes ago when Lucy stormed out the room.

"Hey, so I brought a large coff-" Liam stopped halfway through his breakfast list when he noticed the two idiots standing next to my bed.

"Oh, erm, hi. Lucy gone?" He put down his coffee on the table next to my bed.

As soon as he said it I saw Mr Marvins face morph into frustration, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. So I smirked just a little until he opened his mouth.

"Yes, thankfully. Now tell me Baxter, who are you marrying again?" He placed his hands behind is back as he walked closer to me.

Here we go. I rolled my eyes as I prepared myself for a lecture. It was like being at school again when you did something to upset the teacher, and they sent you to the head teachers office. 'What were the rules of the school again?' I had that said to me way more time's than I should have.

"Well?" He pressed. His eyes bulging out his head.

"Melissa." I muttered, eyeing him carefully.

I didn't have the energy for this, and admitting it was making my stomach churn.

"Say it again? Louder Bax like you actually mean it." He stared at me with such intense as he said it.

"Melissa." I shouted, returning the glare.

He could tell I was worked up. Melissa just stood there like a garden gnome.

"So why was she here?" He took his hands from behind his back, placing them in front of him, palms up.

"I don't know." I sounded like a robot, there was no enthusiasm to my voice at all. I was too tired for this. What did he think he was going to achieve from it?

"I should hope not, or you know exactly what will happen." His eyes narrowed in on me as he stood there with his hands in his suit trousers pockets, navy blazer, and a blue shirt underneath. His face was so red you'd think he had high blood pressure. Not to forget the stress lines on his head.

"Honey, I looked at venues and there's this lovely little place...."

My mind shut off as soon as she said honey. Honestly, if I was actually going to have to marry this woman I wasn't going to plan it. I couldn't careless where we got married. I don't care what she wears, what she looks like, what day it is, where it is. I. Just. Don't. Care.

I sighed as she started pulling books out of her ridiculous pink Prada bag. I'm surprised she got them all in there.

"Look, Melissa, I need sleep." I said as bluntly as possible. I put my hand up in her face without even realising, and her face scrunched in disgust. She smacked it away immediately.

I clenched my jaw, shut my eyes, and took a huge long breath. To make it worse, her dad was still sat at the end of the bed laughing his head off.

"Now where was I." She began, and started flipping open the first book.

It had a woman in a white laced dress on the front smiling. She looked a little bit like Lucy, and I couldn't help think about how beautiful she would look in a wedding dress. Or how gorgeous her raven strands would look as they cascaded down the front.

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