21. B A X

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Twenty minutes earlier:

"Mr Baxter, you are free to go home." The lovely nurse looking after me had just told me the best news all week.

"That is music to my ears, you have no idea." I replied, sighing. I finally felt relaxed.

She gave a little laugh then left the room. But before she could even let the door click shut I was up and packing my things. I had Liam bring me spare clothes all week so there was lots to sort. Shouldn't take too long though, I thought.

The only disadvantage to being out was returning to reality. No Lucy, marrying Melissa, and my parents were back. I almost swore straight at them when they walked through the door together. I was prepared for a squabble from the pair of them over my hospital bed, but they had actually been quite nice to each other. I didn't bother question it, I was enjoying not having to listen to them shout. I forgot what it was like to have them in the same room together being nice to each other, so I took advantage of it.

They'd asked the expected: 'what happened?' 'How did you get in this state?' 'Why didn't you call?'. I initially answered appropriately without revealing too much about Lucy and Melissa. Although, as soon as I mentioned Lucy was having my baby they nearly hit the roof when they find out I had decided to marry another woman - once they knew she was having my baby I had no choice to reveal all.

"You're telling me you have left that woman to marry some rich girl?!"

My mother had never sounded so disappointed in me, it kinda hurt. Her green eyes, which I'd gotten from her, widened with her mouth agape in shock.

Putting his hand up to stop her, dad said, "Now Susan, we don't know the full story. Maybe there's an explanation."

My face screwed up as soon as he said that. He was trying to defend me, and I didn't deserve it. Of course they knew instantly that there was no good explanation, my facial expression was a good indication of that.

"Oh son, what have you done?" Dad had asked, disappointment filling his voice.

"Everything's a mess." I'd replied, turning to look at the wall instead of their disappointed faces.

"Well, we're back for a few weeks so we will help you!"

Mom was always positive about things, and for once I was grateful they were here. I just hoped they didn't start arguing.

So yeah, my parents were now here and living with me. Apparently that was the least I could do. I was tempted to reply with, 'well I'm making you grandparents. Isn't that enough?'. But stopped myself when I realised I'd already pissed them off with my decision of marrying Melissa.

As soon as I'd collected my things, I signed some paperwork and prepared to meet Liam outside. I didn't want my parents picking me up, I wanted Liam.

I was about to exit the automatic glass doors when I saw Avery rushing in. Her face was bright red, her breathing looked laboured, and she was practically running. I panicked instantly. The only other reason I could think of her being in here was because of Lucy, so I rushed over to her.

"Avery are you okay? Is it Lucy?" I stood in front of her blocking her path.

"Y-yes, I need to go." She bumped past me, rushing like sonic.

My stomach sunk. I needed to know what happened.

"Wait, what's happened?" I asked, following her. She was still rushing and hadn't stopped to answer me, instead she just stayed silent.

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