34. B A X

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Hours passed as I held my little girl and watched the slow movements of Lucy's chest rise. She was fighting for her life and our beautiful little girl was lay here waiting to meet her mommy. My heart sank. Why did this have to happen? Why Lucy?

That question released a whole new batch of thoughts, triggering things I didn't even want in my head. But the current name I had floating round in my head made me question something else. Mr Marvin. Surely not? Surely to God he didn't do this. Would he go to such extremes for a minor business issue? An issue that I presumed was no longer, and had - by some miracle - been forgotten, despite his continuous threats. Yet his name popped up when I tried to think of current enemies. Predominantly because I didn't have any known. Did he really need my hand in marriage, my business expertise, to complete his company?

My need to hit something, to destroy the person - or people - responsible, was worming it's way through my veins. I looked down at my innocent, chubby-cheeked, daughter and sighed. Her face was a sprinkle of fairy dust, calming me instantly like a magic spell had been cast. Usually, it would take hours or a good workout at the gym to release any frustration I had, yet a single glance at our baby and I was calmer than a teen high off all sorts. It was another reminder I needed to find the culprit, albeit, but it still relaxed me.

I sighed as an abrupt knocking came from outside the door, stirring her in my arms and causing a screeching sound of tears. I was new to this and therefore, had no clue what to do.

"Shhh, it's okay beautiful" I cradled her on my shoulder, rubbing her back, trying to easer her back to sleep. I realised it had been at least two hours since I'd been in here and she was most likely hungry, or - the worst scenario - needed changing. The latter made my stomach turn as I had no clue how to change a nappy, not that I had any clue how to feed her either but that seemed like something I could have help with whereas I was on my own with the other.

I opened the door, raising my index finger to my lips before I noticed the culprit: two police officers.

This was the worst timing. And two hours later? Or shall I say at least three hours later. Idiots.

"Mr Baxter, May we come in? Or at least talk somewhere more suitable? We need to discuss the incident with Miss Partridge." The blonde female said, giving me a small smile.

"Honestly, now isn't a good time. As much as I want to help and find the bastard, I have a baby to take care of."

Not that I needed to inform them of that, she was wailing her little head off on my shoulder; it was all you could hear.

"Yes, I'm very sorry about that, it's just we really need some information so we can begin the investigation. It will only take a few seconds, we can always find another suitable time but for your sake and your partners, we think it's best we do it now."

Again, the small smile. She was pushing because she knew what this was doing to me, how could I be angry at them? So I flicked my head to indicate that they could come in. I wasn't leaving this room so it would have to do. Although, it didn't feel right with Lucy laying there suffering while we talked about her. It made me sick.

"Sorry, I think she's hungry." I winced as I bobbed her up and down on my shoulder.

"Have you got a name?" The female detective asked, it seemed the other one was mute.

Although, right now, I wish she was too. That question triggered a swarm of guilt as we hadn't discussed baby names not knowing what we were having. Maybe that sounds like a ridiculous reason, but after everything we've been through, we haven't really had chance I suppose. So yeah, I felt guilty. Because our baby didn't have a name, and I couldn't - wouldn't - name her without Lucy's involvement.

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