18. L U C Y

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Promptly stomping myself to bed, I lay in a pool of my own tears as I failed to control my sobs. My head, melting into the feather pillow, faced downwards causing the tears to trickle down my face, eventually dripping onto the bottom sheet.

My face was sticky from the continuous tears that had fell over the past two hours and had dried on my face. I wasn't wearing any makeup, yet when I peeked over at the full standing mirror - perched in the corner of the bedroom for decorative purposes - I saw the lines of tears dried up on my clear skin.

My eyes were a set of frogs eyes; huge and swollen, but also slightly blood shot.

I'd phoned Avery, but she was at work till seven. This meant I still had half an hour until she could get here, as it was only half six. Not to forget the weather was as depressing as my current life situation. It had calmed down tremendously in comparison to two hours ago - where my tears could of been mistaken for raindrops as they splattered onto the windows - but it was still raining nevertheless, just a little calmer.

As soon as I'd called to fill her in, she was surprised. She seemed to really like Bax, and usually she was right about people, but not this time. She couldn't have been any further off.

I should have known it would happen. He isn't capable of love or relationships, he told me that himself.

Jesus Christ, I don't even know his first name!

I scoffed as I realised, feeling stupid. It was my own fault. I believed he could fall in love with me like I did with him, because I was desperate for his love back. I just wanted us to be a family.

Absolutely ridiculous really seen as we started out as a one night stand.


Aves voice came from downstairs, and I was thankful she had somehow managed to get here earlier than planned. Unless I fell asleep, did I fall asleep? No surely not.

"Oh, hey sweetie. How you feeling?" Soft and angelic, she came over to me, sitting herself on the bed.

"Hey." I croaked.

"Don't want to talk about it?" She soothed her hand through my hair, like a parent does to their child. She had always taken care of me. Always.

I responded to her with a head shake instead of words.

"Okay, well, I know, we can lay and watch films, and if you get hungry we can have takeaway, yeah?" As enthusiastic as one could be in this situation, Avery beamed back at me trying to lighten the mood.

Again, I nodded in response instead of using words.

She climbed on the bed next to me, kicked her ballet flats onto the rug, and snuggled into the quilt.

By the time we'd watched three films, I'd fell asleep. Luckily, I slept the whole night. No nightmares. No restless sleep waking up every few hours, just a peaceful full nights sleep.

"Good morning sunshine." Avery sang as she swung open the curtains. It was like something out of a musical. This was no high school musical though, or singing in the rain. I'm pretty sure musicals were happy, my life was not joyful right now.

"Ergggg it burns. Shut them now." I complained, as the light burst through aiming straight for my poor irises.

Patches of bright light swirled in front of me as I tried to look at Avery. She was wearing one of her neon outfits again, bright pink and purple flowers splattered all over her dress, with bright pink sandals. She looked pretty nevertheless. Just overly bright; I'm not sure if it was the sun blinding me after all.

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