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Ava rested her pretty head within her dainty hands, brightly painted nails stroking her hair as the draining voices of Jenny Joyce's choir echoed off of the walls, 'singing' a, now ruined, love song. Usually, had it been anyone else singing, Ava would be enthusiastically humming along all while envisioning herself within the lyrics, but with Jenny's limited capabilities it was giving the poor girl a headache. Beside her, the group of friends, with the exception of Orla, were all equally struggling to make it through another second of the performance, as was Sister Michael who thankfully interrupted, putting an anticipated end to it.

"Thank you, girls, that was wonderful. Before I dismiss you for the weekend, a few announcements." Sister Michael began, starting off with the year thirteens resitting a GCSE maths exam, as she took centre stage. Michelle bounced excitedly in her seat as the teens held their breathe for the long-awaited news of this year's school trip location. Both her and Ava, especially, had been beyond excited - each for completely different reasons. On one hand, Michelle was looking forward to finding a new foreign boyfriend to add to her list, while on the other hand, Ava was desperate for the opportunity to leave Derry , potentially to one of her dream cities - even if it was only for a week.

"Come on, come on, come on, come on to fuck!" Michelle muttered to herself, tapping her foot against the floor and almost slipping off of her seat.

"Please let it be a romantic city, please be a romantic city," Ava prayed as she bit her lip to control her excitement at the chance to visit one of her dream locations.

"This year's destination for the Euro Trotters trip, will be, dramatic pause...." Sister Michael held the hall in suspense, delaying the news of the trip's location even longer. All the students by this point were holding on to the edges of their uncomfortable seats desperate to hear where they would be getting a chance to go.

"Paris, it's going to be Paris." Sister Michael muttered uninterested. At the sound of the one place Ava had dreamed to go more than anywhere in the world, her smile grew immensely, as she and Clare began jumping up and down enthusiastically ignoring whatever
else was being said by the teacher on stage.

" There's so much I want to do. The Champs-Elysées, the arc de Triomphe, the Louvre." Clare began listing every tourist attraction that intrigued her about Paris as the group exited the hall doors, following everyone into the bustling corridors.

"It's so romantic! We can visit the fashion museums with those cute little hats French people wear, then climb the tower at night so we can see all the lights, then meet a lovely French prince and he can take us on a date with roses and champagne," Ava sung joyfully, as she looped her arm with James's, squealing with excitement at the idea of going to the one and only Paris. James lowered his gaze to the beaming, although always having a happy persona it was hard to believe Ava could truly be happy considering everything she had told James  few weeks prior - but with the news of a potential trip to Paris, the girl seemed to be glowing.

In love with the English boy | James MaguireWhere stories live. Discover now