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The Wheeler's Residence | Mon 6:38 PM
Mike Wheeler

"Nancy, can you pass the Chicken?" Ted asked while wiping his greasy fingers on a napkin.

Nancy sighed and said, "Sure dad." while pushing the plate in his direction, although she was somewhat concerned with his cholesterol intake.

"So, is everyone excited about school and work in the morning?" Karen asked while eating a spoonful of mash potatoes.

"Ye-" Mike began to say before getting cut off by Nancy.

"Not really. Barb isn't going to be working with me so I'm kinda sad about that."

"Oh, where is she working?" Ted said with food in his mouth.

Mike picked at his plate as they talked, being somewhat annoyed by his family. Mike has been trying to join in the conversation for about 10 minutes at this point, and was ready to give up.

"Nancy, I was trying to talk." He said calmly.

"Mike, don't interrupt your sister." Ted scolded.

That was the last straw. Mike got up from the table and stormed upstairs. He could hear Karen calling for him to come back down but he kept walking til he got to his room. He slammed his bedroom door and began pacing.

If she really cared she would've came up here to check on me, but of course she doesn't he thought.

He knew he was working himself up and tried breathing and counting but nothing was calming him down. He wanted nothing more then to throw something or to hurt someone, but he knew he couldn't do either of those things.

Instead, he opened his nightstand drawer and took out a bottle. He opened the bottle and downed 2 pills. After washing them down with water, he laid on his bed and relaxed. Soon enough, he was fast asleep and no longer angry.


Mike grabbed his old football bag from inside of his closet and filled it with a shirt and some shorts that he would wear in gym.

"Nancy! Mike!" Karen called from downstairs. "It's time to go!"

Mike looked at himself in the mirror one last time before heading downstairs. He stopped by the kitchen to grab a banana since he was still hungry from last night.

Mike carried both his gym bag and book bag out of the house with him and put them in the trunk. Heat hit his back as the sun began to come up. Mike got in the backseat next to Holly while Nancy sat in the passenger next to Karen.

Karen backed out of the driveway and began to drive down the street and out of the neighborhood. Mike looked out the window while trying to tune out Nancy's constant complaining about how she hates her job.

Nancy worked at a post office that was in Hawkins square. Mike felt like she was smart enough to have gone to school and gotten a degree, but she was always more focused on Steve Harrington and felt like she had to settle for less.

Steve was working at some ice cream joint in Starcourt Mall and Mike saw him still trying to pick up chicks once. When he told Nancy she didn't believe him, so he knows that when she gets hurt it'll be her fault for not listening to him.

After dropping off Nancy and Holly, Karen had pulled up to her last stop, Hawkins High.

"Bye Mom." Mike said before getting ready to leave the car.

Karen is too occupied and doesn't hear him. He sees her staring at something and he leans forward to see what exactly was distracting her. All mike saw was a guy in a red convertible and what looked like Max sitting next to him.

Mike was confused as to what was so special about that and it made him a little mad. He grabbed his bags and got out of the car. He slammed the door to try and get a reaction out of her but she didn't even turn her head.

Mike walked away from the car with his fists balled and his head down. The weight of his bags on his shoulders weighed him down a bit, but he honestly didn't care at that point.

What so special about Nancy? All they do is praise her and give her attention and I'm always pushed to the side! Maybe their sexist. That would explain why Moms always wearing a lot of makeup whenever she goes out, she hates herself.

A bump to Mike's shoulder had distracted him from his thoughts. 

"Hey! Watch where your going!" Mike growled at the curly headed boy.

"S-Sorry Mike." he said with a bit of a lisp.

Mike continued to walk down the hallway until he was interrupted again, by Troy this time.

"Was toothless bothering you? I could take care of him for you." He offered.

Mike paused and looked at Troy with furrowed eyebrows. He never liked when Troy would bully people, he felt like it wasn't right.

"You're an asshole, you know that?" Mike said coldly.

Troy looked down, visibly hurt by Mikes words. Mikes face relaxed as he brushed past him to go to his first class.

To be continued...

Sorry that was kinda short the next one will be a little longer I promise - Vaeh

[6/8/20 | 886 words]

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