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Starcourt Mall | Sat 1:39 PM
Troy Walsh

Troy walked around the Mall looking for jobs to help out his father. The only requirement he had for a job was that it had to be a place with slow business so that he wouldn't run into anyone from school.

His reputation was already somewhat down from losing that fight with Dustin and he felt like if people knew his situation, he would be as unpopular as Will.

After a couple of hours of looking around, he left the Mall and got on a bus to his next destination, Hawkins square. A lot of the business here were slow due to Starcourt, so he knew there was no chance he'd be seen here.

He walked around the square until he saw a pizza place called Big Ben's Pizza with a Help Needed sign. He walked in and saw an old couple getting served.  He waited in line behind them patiently, looking at all the posters that were hung on the walls of the small eatery.

"What are you ordering sir?" The cashier asked with a bit of an attitude in her voice. She wore a name tag that said Greta.

"Oh I'm not getting any food, I saw the sign outside and I was wondering if I could apply for a position."

"Can you drive?" She asked.

"I got my permit a couple of months ago." Troy answered.

Greta went in the back for a couple of minutes and came out with an application to be the delivery boy. "Bring this back tomorrow and I'll interview you." She said.

Troy smiled and said, "Thank you." He happily left the Pizza place and headed home to tell his father the news and prepare for tomorrow.


Troy entered his quiet house and went straight to the living room where he knew his dad would be. "Hey." He said.

Tom sighed and then sadly said, "You might have to go stay with your mom for a while."

This statement brought Troy back to memories of when he used to live in Minneapolis. He used to get bullied a lot when he was younger.

The kids would call him all the gay slurs in the book and would terrorize him. He remembered his ex best friend, Patrick who was the one that outed him to the whole school.

Troy knew that if he went back then he'd have to go through that all over again. Plus, he wasn't ready to leave all of his friends he had in Hawkins...and Mike.

Troy ran to his room to let out all the emotions he was feeling in his moment. He made sure to lock his room and to be quiet enough so that his father wouldn't hear his cries through the room. He also felt bad for crying, thinking that he's been way too sensitive lately.


The next day, Troy went to the interview confident that he was qualified to get the job.

"I don't think your qualified enough for this job." Greta said while crossing her arms.

"How come?" Troy asked.

"You seem wya to enthusiastic to work at a pizza place."

Troy frowned and began getting up to walk away when Greta spoke again.

"Ya know what? If you leave me alone and do my job for me than we have a deal."

Troy felt like it was unfair he'd have to do two jobs for the pay of one, but he desperately needed this job so he decided to accept her offer.

"Deal." Troy said while holding out his hand for her to shake.

Greta formed a disgusted expression on her face and said, "Ew! I don't know where that's been."

Troy lowered his hand and said, "When do I start?"

"Tomorrow, 4PM. Don't be late." she said sternly.

Troy smiled and left the small office happily. He hurried on home to deliver the good news to Tom. One of Troy's goals in life was to try and impress his father any way he could, to make up for the parts of Troy he might not like too much.

"Dad, Dad! I got the job." He called as he walked through the door.

"Really? I'm so proud of you my boy! Now you'll be able to provide for your Wife and kids!" Tom said.

This statement changed Troy's mood completely. Would he always have to live a lie like this? Why couldn't he just tell his dad, what's the worse he's going to do?

"Dad I'm—" Troy began to say before cutting himself off. "—really glad your proud. It means a lot."

"No problem Anthony!" He said before Troy went back into his room to drown in the guilt once again.

To be continued...

Ik it's short but I'm really tryna speed it up so we can get to the good stuff - Vaeh

[6/21/20 | 815 words]

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