letting go

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Mikeys POV
Gerard was still just barely shaking against me. Small shards of glass sliced into my back causing my eyes to water more. Gerard was so warm and as he steadied himself I knew I was running out of time with him. Neither of us could manage talking right now, I was trying to process what I had just witnessed. I didn't want to let go but when Gerard shifted out of my arms I knew it was time to let go.

"I'm gonna come home in a month okay?" I looked at him with blurry eyes. "Gerard,what happened tonight?" Gerard looked at me and smiled, "Well we both know what happened but I want it to happen again, the proper way.. so drop a few customers and I'll do it the right way the night I get home." I nodes and blushes.

"I promise I won't miss your birthday, I'll definatly come see you. That's the only time you'll be aloud to see me during recovery clear?" I nodded and felt a small smile curve over my face. "I'll miss you." I whispered looking at the sun through the blinds and dried my eyes.

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