Mr.W and Vee

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Mikeys POV
The sun hadn't even risen yet but Wynter would probably wake up soon, early bird ass. I walked inside and headed to the kitchen starting the coffee pot and looking for muffin mix. As I slid the pan into the oven and wiped the white powdery mess from my chin a voice startled me. "Up early?" Wynter asked from the doorway. "Yeah, Gee just left so..." Wynter rolled his eyes.

"What's that about?" I asked pouring the two cups of coffee. Adding sugar to one and leaving the other black,that's how Wynter likes it. "Y'all were so loud last night," he groaned taking a sip from his coffee. "Your so exaggerating!" I protested blushing. "No need to worry suguar, it was hawt," said Wynter doing a fabulous hand motion and glinting his eyes.

"Uh pervert," I said jokingly before taking a sip of my coffee. "Don't give me reasons to be perverted Mikes." Said Wynter just as the oven beeped. "I made banana ones just for yew!" I said childishly as I made him a plate.

"Awh how sweet," Wynter said as we sat down. This was how our mornings always went. Breakfast and Wynter would head off to MCF industries, and I'd go off to the guitar academy. I had joined an online school and help the band program at the high school, and major at the "institution.

Wynter stood up directly after me and we threw our plates away at the same time. "Alright I'll see you this eavening Mikes," Said Wynter opening the front door. I waited until he was gone to prepare for my day. Me and Gerard had a deal its no longer sex I offer. Something more valuable,I offer a new high if you catch my drift. Basically I sell cocaine. Never done it but hey,it sells.

Once again my main customer is Frank Anthony Iero, he offers money and I take and sell. Frank called me, "Mr.W is here." He said quickly. Mr.W is a very important man to the business and I had never seen him, but he's a head of the operation.

"What's he need?" I said quickly. "Come over, bring about 40 and hurry." The line went dead and I ran upstairs. I threw on my nicest clothes and grabbed my profit before heading out. I slid down under the pile of tree's and sat down in front of Frankie. "Mr.W is just through there." Said Frank pointing down the hall. "Mr.W I'm sending Vee back!" Vee is my identification here. When I submerged into the room me and Mr.W gasped in unison.

The short,red headed Gerard Way looked at me. "Let's just get this over with,because I honestly don't want to know." Mr.W smiled,we traded and I shook his hand. "Pleasure doing business with you Mr.W," I said. "Back at ya Vee." I chuckled and left.

Frank looked at me, "How did it go?" I inwardly laughed, "Me and Mr.W get along just fine."

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