Part 7

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"Do you really think it is possible? She has been like this for many years"

"I don't know if this is possible or not... but for her I will make everything possible. I can't just sit and watch her like this, She needs to recover from this."

After leaving her room Jungkook decide to talk about Hyuna's condition with Ms.Song. both of them were standing at the roof, holding the railing ,Jungkook look up at the sky admiring the sky full of stars, the night wind hitting his body, the wind it is cold but not as much as Hyuna's eyes. On the other hand Mr.Song was looking at Jungkook's side profile. She was melting by his words, she knew that she would not be able to keep them separated. The fact is she didn't even try to keep them separated thinking that only Jungkook can hold Hyuna's hand. She romove her eyes and  look at the night sky,

"Mrs.Jeon must be feeling proud, up there" she softly said.

"I know.. she will, but this time I am doing things for myself " Jungkook looked back at Ms.Song and smiled warmly.

"Ms.Song Hyuna give me motivation when I was lost, now it's my turn"

"You love her that much huh"

Jungkook didn't answer this time; he rather chose to look down and let out a chuckle.

"What about your father ?" she asked

"What about him?" Jungkook was clearly confused thinking why his father got dragged on to this.

"Do you think your father is ok about you helping Hyuna"

"I don't think appa has a problem with me helping her, besides he is thr one who helped her first by letting her live here and I can fight with anyone for her even with my father."

Suddenly a quietness filled the atmosphere. Both of them were thinking about the same person but in different ways. Jungkook was happy thinking how he got her back in his life, since that day he realized that she is the one he has been looking for all these time he makes a routine for himself to visit her every day he promised himself no matter how tired he is, he will still visit her.

"I think she is alone" uttered those words while looking at the sky. He turned around and walked to her room leaving Ms.Song alone.

"I want to be like you Jungkook," She whispered to herself.


"Why are you like this Jungkook?" Jimin was constantly nagging him as he wanted to meet Hyuna but Jungkook was not giving permission.

"No hyung she will surely get scared to see so many unknown people." He once again rejected Jimin's request.

"But I want to meet her too,"Jimin said with a clear pout.


"Jin hyung please convince  him"

Jin was sitting on sofa alone opposite to them as they both sharing same couch. After thinking long, Jungkook finally made up his mind that he will start Hyuna's treatment, and when it comes to treating people, he can't forget about Seokjin. Kim Seokjin is a neurosurgeon, a very well known neurosurgeon in Seoul. He decided to let his hyung know about Hyuna's condition so that Jin can start her treatment as soon as possible but he didn't know that someone was already there with Jin. After hearing the whole story of Kim Hyuna Jimin started nagging Jungkook to let him meet her.

"Jungkook I think you should take her out from that orphanage. I know that she might feel scared or something but at least you should try to show her the world outside. I think if she comes in contact with more people she will slowly let out her feelings" Jin simply posited.

"But hyung......" Jungkook cut off by Jin.

"No buts..... this weekend you bring her to our farmhouse, I will inform others and I will also invite one of my friend who is a psychologist so that she can observe Hyuna and inform us about her actual mental condition." There is no way Jungkook could argue now, so he nodded her head showing his approval but inside he was still worried about her reaction.

"Yay! Finally we are going to meet her" Jimin chimed happily.

"Aish Jimin keep it low. Why are getting so excited ? You know you can't date her ''Jin scoffed at him and somehow the word date caught maknae's attention, he snapped his head  towards Jimin and started shooting dagger at him through his eyes.

"Eh.... wh.. what.. Hyung why would I date her. I know this coconut head already had her." Jimin said nervously and carefully stand up and start taking steps backwards.

"Unless Hyuna got impressed by a good looking face" with that he ran towards the kitchen.

"Jimin hyung you dare try to flirt with my Hyuna" Jungkook ran behind them. Jin was still sitting on the couch watching two of them like a frustrated mother.

"Hey!! Hooligans if you break any of my precious things you are dead" that warning didn't even reach to their ear as they continued running through the whole house like some children.


"Good morning Eun Jung-ssi" Eun Jung almost got startle by the sudden morning greeting.It was another usual Wednesday morning when she was entering her work place just like other employees but a sudden warm and energetic greeting made her stop on her way other employs were also surprise. Eun Jung turned over and found his boss looking at him with a warm smile. She was a little bit embraced too by the scene as other employees were looking at them with suspicious eyes. She smiles awkwardly and greets him back.

"You seem happy today Jungkookssi" she let out when he came closer and didn't forget to call him by his name as he asked earlier. They were now standing together in front of the elevator.

"I am happy that's why," Jungkook replied while entering the elevator. Eun Jung just nodded and followed him. She choose not to ask him the reason behind his happiness.

"Eun Jung-ssi, how much work you are going to make me do today," he said . This afternoon when she entered his room to inform him about the meeting he have to attend next but his very unexpected reply surprised her. It was true that as CEO Jungkook is working very hard but she has no control on his workload. Jungkook also never complained about the fact but today he is really acting strange.

"Eh.. but" she clearly doesn't know what to say at that moment.

"Look, I am having wrinkles beacuse of the workload and I am looking old too, no girls will accept me like this, if I end up dying single then it is your fault Ms.park '' with that he made a pout. It took a few seconds to diagnose his words , she finally let out a chuckle. He also smiled at his own words after that.

"Saesong hamnida yeapojang nim" she playfully apologized and bowed in front of him.

"You look good when you smile Eun Jung-ssi. You should smile often" She herself didn't notice that she was smiling in front of her boss until her boss complimented her.

"Eh...... Khamsanida" she replied. Before this, many boys said that she has a beautiful smile but she never flatter like this, this time she can feel something else in her heart apparently she knows that her heart is not leading her in a right track but feelings are hard to sustain.

"You go prepare the meeting room I am coming behind you ....Ahh and one more thing, keep smiling." He seriously needed to stop these because he didn't know how his 'just friendly gesture' bloomed an imaginary bubble of love which would blast soon.

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