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if you are reading this book, you are probably well aware of the events that lead to the new avatars awakening.

nevertheless, i will write a short retelling of what happened to 're-cap' your memory.


Katara and Sokka, they were two siblings from the southern water tribe, a dying civilisation whose water benders were no longer there, leaving their protection from the fire nation to be limited.

the siblings were arguing one day while out fishing when Katara, in a fit of rage, cracked open a glacier, and found inside it, a small child (who must have only been around 12 years old) doing what seemed to be meditating.

when the glacier finally smashed, a bright blue beam of light emerged from the top and showered the surrounding area in a powerful glow.

the boy got out of the glacier and stood before katare and sokka - his eyes glowing like nothing they had seen before. and fell down the ice, his eyes dimming once again.

luckily katara caught him, but he was weak and clung onto the girl before flutterring his eyes and mumbling, as if waking up from a nap.

'I need to ask you something.'

'what' wondered katara, confused

'come closer' he whispered

'what is it?'

He looked at her and grinned,
'Do you want to go penguin sledding with me?' he asked.

She was bewildered.

why was this child who had obviously been in there for a while, wanting to go penguin sledding with her.

although she could tell he was no normal child : he was full of life, full of joy and wearing clothes she'd never seen in her life.

he was so full of joy in fact that it (quite frankly) concerned her.

and how he had managed to stay alive in a glacier for so long she didn't know.

'ah sure? I guess...' said katara.

all she knew was that the boy had been in there for a while and she had no idea where he was actually from.

he jumped up and struggled onto the glacier leaving the siblings to run around the ice to find a massive bison.

it was giant.

the boy called it appa and asked it to wake up. obviously it did not want to and was quite stubborn but decided to stand up after a while of licking the boys face.

soon they went back to the southern water tribes village while aang (a.k.a the boy) was passed out.

when aang was sleeping, the southen water tribes elders had been discussing what they were going to do with him.

they decided that he must be the Avatar because he was an airbender and they hadn't been around for 100 years. and to promote the claim even further, the next avatar was supposed to be in an air bender so it would have made sense if he had been the avatar. no matter how much they thought it couldnt be real.

after a brief conversation, learning a bit about aang and finally going penguin sledding, aang managed to convince katara to go to an old abandoned fire bender ship.

but, they set off a trap while they were in there and had to jump out of the hole a flare had made in the ceiling.

this allowed the disgraced prince of the fire nation (zuko) to spot them.

he traced them back to the village and vowed he'd catch the avatar.

and when they got back, katara and sokkas gran-gran had noticed the flare and her and katara had a row.

katara decided she was going to leave with aang to learn water bending in the north pole.

but sokka managed to convince her to stay, and aang was sent off on a solo mission.

time passed, and aang and appa were deliberating what they would do next when they noticed a fire nation ship going straight towards the water tribes' village.

aang rushed back to save the village but was willfully captured onto the fire benders ship.

luckily for him, zuko and his crew underestimated him and he fought his way back up to the deck. defeating them by using his avatar form to weaken them, push them into the sea and ultimately push their boat into an iceberg.

then, aang, katara, and sokka left for the southern air temple.

where they found you.

The Last Hope : sokka x reader x zukoWhere stories live. Discover now