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if the avatar was back where was he?

he wasn't at the temple - i would've noticed.

i jumped up and glided through the air, scanning the towers and turrets, looking into the windows to see if he'd been here this whole time.

'AVATAR!?' i called into the empty halls.

'AVATAR! PLEASE SHOW YOURSELF! ITS SAFE, I PROMISE!' i yelled, dashing through the building.

i looked into every room in the whole building but found nothing.

he wasn't here.

the avatar had been gone for 100 years, and he had survived.

but he wasn't HERE!?

how would he know where to go?

is he safe?

should i try and find him?

i spent the night pacing around the temple, mind racing.

i used my time to the monks and any spirits that might still be there after that horrible day.

and soon enough, i felt my eyelids dropping lower and lower.

but, instead of going to the storm bender quarters, i slept outside of the air temple sanctuary.

it was full of statues of the avatars, all of which id known personally, going back to the first avatar - avatar wan.

he was a good friend and it still pained me to think of him.

i really missed him.


i did not sleep soundly that night: i couldn't.

how could i rest knowing that the avatar was back and could need my help?

i needed guidance.

i opened the doors to the hall but as soon as i entered they locked behind me.

'oh no.' i said, pounding on the wooden frames.

there was no way out without breaking them

'LET ME OUT!' i shouted, but i knew no one could hear me.

i rushed around the room, looking for a secret doorway but, of course, there wasn't one.

soon i collected myself.

i was overreacting, right?

i would be able to leave soon and save the avatar.

but something had to save me first before i rotted in that room.

i paced around the room, focusing on my breath, listening to my echoing footsteps, trying to calm myself.

i took a deep slow breath.

i was fine. i would probably be able to leave soon. the avatar woud come soon. i knew he would. he had to.

soon, i began to drift into a dreamless sleep.

i lay by the door, right behind a shallow stone ledge so i could make a quick escape if needed - but i didn't have to.

the next morning i woke to the sound of people outside the door.

someone ran into it and i heard the echo ring through the sanctuary.

i stood up and grabbed my glider, clicking the wings in and hiding behind one of the statues.

just then, i heard the locks clicking open.

someone was about to come in.

someone was airbending.

The Last Hope : sokka x reader x zukoWhere stories live. Discover now