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'hey katara?' i asked, picking up a pastry from the table once aang had left.

'yeah?' she replied, looking up at me.

'do you want to go grab some supplies, i know we're running low and it could be good to spend some time together?'

she smiled, 'yeah, it could.'

we picked up some bags and went to the market.

'oh my god they have plantains.' i squealed excitedly, looking at the fruit stalls.

there weren't any at the temple and after 100 years you start missing things.

katara laughed as i sped over to the stall.

we spent a few hours just chatting and buying things.

'... and the first thing he asked me was if i wanted to go penguin sledding!' laughed katara

'no way!' i giggled.

katara stopped laughing, rolled her eyes and turned around to face the stall.

i looked behind me and aang was there.

he'd been hanging out with his 'fans' all day. it was so tedious seeing them follow him around everywhere. i had never met such a social avatar. most of them kept to themselves unless they were needed.

'excuse me for a second, ladies.' said aang, finally getting away from the girls, they weren't happy that we had "taken" the avatar from them.

he came over to us and tapped katara on the shoulder.

she turned around in feigned surprise, 'oh, good! can you help me carry these back to the room? they're a little heavy.'

'actually, i can't right now.' said aang sheepishly.

katara scoffed, irritated, 'what do you mean you can't?'

'or are you too busy with your fangirls?' i may have been harsh but i was annoyed.

he seemed hurt, 'i promised the girls that i'd give them a ride on appa. why don't
you come with us? it'll be fun!'

katara turned her head to continue picking up vegetables, 'watching you show off for a bunch of girls does not sound like fun.'

'well, neither does carrying your basket.'

'it's not my basket' replied katara, annoyed.

sensing the growing tension i tried to calm the situation down, 'aang, we need to get a lot of supplies and we could really do with your help. can you just help us with this so we can leave soon?'

'i don't want to leave kyoshi yet. i can't put my finger on it, but there's something i really like about this place.'

the girls who'd been following him giggled. ugh boys.

a small girl who appeared to be the ring leader stamped her foot in annoyance,

'whats taking you so long aangy?'

i almost burst out laughing.

'aangy?' said katara flatly.

'just a second, koko!' aang replied to the spoilt girl.

'"simple monk" huh? i thought you promised me that this avatar stuff wouldn't go to your head.' challenged katara.

'it didn't. you know what i think? you just don't want to come because you're jealous.'

ok that was enough arguing for me 'um, i'm gonna leave you two to sort things out while i go look for the kyoshi warriors, uh bye.' i darted off round the corner before they could say a word.

The Last Hope : sokka x reader x zukoWhere stories live. Discover now