The King

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okay sorry about all he authors notes but ive changed your hair colour!

it can be anything you guys want and im replacing the colour name with y/f/c :)

it might still say pink towards the end of the first book but please point it out if you see it <3

ok ily and as always thank you sm for reading!


'okay! you caught me,' said aang in false defeat, 'i'm the avatar, doing my avatar thing, keeping the world safe. everything checks out, no firebenders here. so, good work everybody.'

aang wittered on, 'love each other, respect all life and don't run with your spears. we'll see you next time!' he put his arm around us and turned us towards the door.

the guards blocked the exit.


'you can't keep us here. let us leave.' argued katara, narrowing her brows and stiffening.

'lettuce leaf?' asked the king, picking up a single leaf from his plate.

sokka turned to whisper at us, 'we're in serious trouble. this guy is nuts.'

i couldn't agree more.

the king looked at us, this time very seriously and spoke,

'tomorrow the avatar will face three deadly challenges. but for now, the guards will show you to your chamber.'

i'm sorry WHAT?!!

the king and guards argued about the cell we were staying in but finally decided on the newly refurbished one.

they walked us out of the room and shoved us into another room that they then locked with earthbending - literally sealing our only exit.

the room we were trapped in wasn't grandly decorated and was actually quite large.

'this is a prison cell?' katara asked confused 'but it's so nice?'

'he did say it was newly refurnished.' aang replied.

'nice or not, we're still prisoners.' said sokka

'and it's just a glorified cell anyway.' i stated.

'i wonder what these challenges are gonna be.' aang wondered.

'we're not sticking around to find out. there's gotta be some way outta here.' said katara, searching the room.

'the air vents!' smiled aang.

'if you think we're gonna fit through there then you're crazier then that king.'

me and aang looked at each other, then momo,

'we can't,' aang began,

'but momo can.' we said in unison

the next few minutes consisted of aang trying his hardest to push the poor lemur through the small vent - but it was no use.

so, feeling dejected, we lay down in out beds and tried to sleep.


i surprisingly fell asleep quickly.

but my sleep didn't last long.

in what i could only assume to be the early hours of the morning, someone entered the cell. before i could realise what was happening i was gagged and bound.

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