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i woke up to momo jumping over my sleeping bag.

'huh? uh... what's going on? did we get captured again?' said sokka, groggily.

'it's nothing, i just had a bad dream. go back to sleep.' said aang.

sokka turned round, 'don't have to tell me twice.'

i went straight back to sleep, not hearing the conversations that persued.


'look at those clear skies, buddy! should be some smooth flying.' said aang to appa, pointing at the sky.

'well, we better smoothly fly ourselves to a market, cause we're out of food.' said katara.

'guys, wait, this was in my dream, we shouldn't go to the market.' said sokka, spookily.

'what happened in your dream,' i asked, climbing onto appa.

'food eats people!'


'also, momo could talk. you said some very unkind things.' he continued, looking at momo.

i giggled, sitting next to him and letting momo sit on my shoulder.


we arrived at a seaside market and picked up some supplies from a shop.

'y/n i dont think this is ripe' said katara, holding a fruit.

'ah, it's good! it's perfect, i'm telling you!' said the exasperated shopkeeper

katara shook the fruit and it made a swooshing sound that definitely didn't sound healthy.

'i don't know if i like the sound of that swishing.'

'swishing means it's ripe! it's the ripe juices swishing around, eh?' said the shopkeeper.

aang interjected, 'i think it's true, katara, swishing means it's ripe.'

'i just realized we're out of money anyway.' said katara, putting the fruit back.

the shopkeeper grabbed the basket from sokka, kicking him as we left.

i gave her a sour look as we walked down the dock, with nowhere to go.

'out of food and out of money, now what are we supposed to do?' said sokka, depressingly.

'you could get a job, smart guy.' sneered katara, just as we heard a couple arguing about a storm.

'maybe we should find some shelter.' said aang.

'are you kidding? shelter from what?' said sokka.

'my joints say there's going to be a storm! a bad one.' argued the woman.

'well, it's your joints against my brain.'

'then i hope your brain can find someone else to haul that fish, cause i ain't comin!'

'then i'll find new fish haulers and pay them double what you get! how do you like that?' said the man, angrily.

sokka dragged me forward, leaving katara and aang behind.

'we'll go!'

'we will?' i whispered, looking at the woman.

'you're hired!'

the man ordered us to go and load his boat, so we did.

'sokka, maybe this isn't such a good idea. look at the sky.' aang said, and he was right.

The Last Hope : sokka x reader x zukoWhere stories live. Discover now