The Koi

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when i woke up sokka was playing with his boomerang, he was still next to me but not as close as before.

i tapped him on the shoulder,

'hey sokka?'

he looked up at me and smiled, 'you snore when you sleep.'

i playfully shoved him and laughed it off,

'so do you!'

we settled down and he continued playing with his boomerang as i braided small sections of his hair.

'so how did you guys end up here?' i asked, combing through his hair.

'we found aang in the ice and he came back to our village,' he said, 'it's not like we knew him before'

'you don't exactly look 115 years old' i giggled.

katara stirred next to us, rubbing her eyes.

she looked at me and frowned, 'sokka?'

'what?' he groaned. he obviously didn't want to talk to her.

'come over here please' she said, 'uhm, i need your help with something.'

he looked at me and blushed, he sighed then shuffled over to katara.

i picked at my nails, looking up every so often to see katara whispering to her brother occasionally meeting my eyes.

ugh. what were they whispering about?

once they'd finished talking sokka moved back to my side and tossed katara some trousers he needed stitching.

we sat together, talking about a million different things. i laughed at his horrible jokes out of pity at first, but soon found myself enjoying them more and more.

sokka would sometimes point out places on the map to me.

'this is where we're from!' he smiled, pointing at the south pole

'oh ive been there loads!' i said, 'it's really beautiful over there'

he sighed, and katara rolled her eyes.

'uh' i stared at her 'did i do say something wrong?'

'what? no! i just- ugh!' she stuttered rudely, waking aang up.

'what are you guys arguing about?' he asked, sleepily. he yawned, and a strong gust of wind blew out.

'nothing.' we replied in unison.

aang sat up and rubbed his eyes, scrambling over to appa's head to steer him.

'do you guys need any food?' i asked, picking up one of our bags.

'yeah i could do with some' said aang, walking back to the saddle.

'YEAH!' grinned sokka, greedily.

i passed out some of the fruit from the temple, some of it was already going rotten, and i grabbed a shell from the bottom of the bag.

'hey aang catch!' i shouted, throwing the shell in his direction.

he caught it and we began passing it around, katara sat with her arms crossed. sokka threw the shell at his sister and it hit her in the face. katara frowned angrily. then she reached for a bottle and drenched sokka.

we all sat there blinking at her, a smile started to appear on her face and we were soon all laughing together. i felt a weight lift from our shoulders.

'you have no idea where you're going, do you?' asked sokka once aang was steering again.

'weeelll, i know it's near water...' replied aang sheepishly.

The Last Hope : sokka x reader x zukoWhere stories live. Discover now