Spirits Part 2

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that night, aang stood outside the hall, waiting for the spirit.

'hello? spirit, can you hear me? this is the avatar speaking. i'm... here to try to help stuff.'

we watched him through the windows as the people of the village cowered at the back.

i held my staff tightly, my stomach churning in anticipation.

aang walked forward, almost exiting the gate.

'this isn't right,' sokka said, 'we can't sit here and cower while aang waits for some monster to show up.'

'if anyone can save us, he can.' said the old man.

'he still shouldn't have to face this alone.' said sokka.

i nudged him, and smiled.

he looked back and took my hand.

oh my god.

i was freaking out. but this wasn't the time.

the sun set and aang began getting restless, 'the sun has set. where are you hei-bai? well. spirit. uh. i hereby ask you to please leave this village in peace!'

he twirled his staff and planted it into the ground.

nothing happened.

'okay. well, i guess that's settled then.' said aang, turning around.

suddenly, a massive shape emerged from the forest.

aang was still walking as the massive spirit advanced behind him.

it was giant - as big as a house - and had beautiful, orca-like markings all over its body.

aang turned around, probably calmer than he should have been, bowing his head, 'you must be the hei-bai spirit. my name is...'

but the spirit threw a kind of blue energy straight at him.

his plan obviously wasn't working.

i gripped my staff and felt sokka squeeze my hand tighter, throwing me off guard a bit.

the spirit charged into the village, pushing its blue energy into the houses, completely knocking them over.

aang stood still, trying not to provoke the spirit, 'my name is aang! i'm the avatar and i would like to help! hey, wait up!'

hei-bai kept destroying houses as aang tried to follow it.

aang had no control over the spirit, we could all see it.

katara, sokka and i readied ourselves for a fight.

the chief sighed, wearily, 'the avatar's methods are...' debris hit the window, and we ducked, 'unusual.'

'it doesn't seem too interested in what he's saying.' said sokka, looking at me, 'maybe we should go help him?'

'no, only the avatar stands a chance against the hei-bai.' the old man interjected.

he was correct of course. but it was still a pain.

'aang will figure out the right thing to do, sokka.' said katara.

'he'll be fine.' i smiled, but i wasn't completely sure : aang couldn't keep the spirit at bay till sunrise, and he wasn't doing a very good job right now.

aang ran towards hei-bai, shouting for it to calm down.

it turned around and swatted him away and onto a house that he promptly fell off of.

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