Kyoshi Island

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we watched, helplessly, from the shore as an elephant koi leaped out of the water, but was dragged under at the last second.

aang was still riding his koi fish and hadn't yet realised how much danger he could be in.

'AANG THERE'S SOMETHING BEHIND YOU!' i yelled, but he couldn't hear me.

katara ran back to us 'what's wrong?'

'aang's in trouble,' said sokka before yelling, 'AANG!'

'GET OUT OF THERE!' katara screamed, full of worry.

we jumped up and down, trying to get his attention. but he just looked confused.



suddenly, aangs koi fish threw him, headfirst into the bay. aang was pushed underwater and kept trying to come up, gasping for air.

i started clawing at my throat, i forgot that i could feel aang's pain. sokka ran to me worried

'y/n!' he shouted, i could hear the concern in his voice. 'what's happening? are you ok!?' he sounded scared.

suddenly i could breath again. aang was ok. sokka held me tight, then let go when katara screamed again.

an ominous shadow had risen from the water behind aang. a giant fin was hurtling towards him.

aang panicked and sprinted as fast as he could to the shore, smashing into sokka.


then, the giant fin turned sharply back into the water, leaving us all dazed and confused.

i was about to thank sokka, when katara spoke.

'what was that thing?'

'i don't know.' aang shrugged

'well, let's not stick around and find out,' sokka decided, standing up, 'time to hit the road.'

suddenly, we were ambushed by some warriors in green armour. they pulled us down one by one and i felt the strain on aangs neck when they pulled his collar.

ouch that hurt.

they reminded me of someone i knew but i didn't have time to get a closer look before i was blindfolded and tied up with my friends.

'or we could stay a while...'


we were dragged into the forest and tied around what felt like a tree.

'you three have some explaining to do.' said a man's voice.

'and if you don't answer all our questions, we're throwing you back in the water with the unagi.'

'im sure this was just a misund-' i began, trying to sound non threatening, but sokka rudely interrupted me.

'show yourselves, cowards!'

they removed our blindfolds swiftly and we could see our captors.


sokka strained at the ropes, 'who are you? where are the men who ambushed us?' i rolled my eyes.

a girl around my age stepped forward

'there were no men. we ambushed you. now tell us, who are you and what are you doing here?'

sokka decided that this was the time to be misogynistic and laughed, 'wait a second, there's no way that a bunch of girls took us down.'

the girl grabbed him by the collar, threatening his fragile masculinity and said,

The Last Hope : sokka x reader x zukoWhere stories live. Discover now