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i stared, my thoughts crumbling in on me, as suki left sokka, telling him to go as she ran back towards the fight.

i slid off the roof and landed a foot in front of sokka. he seemed happy to see me then his face fell with realisation.

'how-' he stuttered, 'how much did you see?'

'enough' i shot back.

'y/n i can expla-' sokka began, but i wasn't in the mood to hear it. i ran back towards the fight.

sokka ran after me, but i just leapt on to a roof. aang was fighting off firebenders next to appa and shouted at all of us to get on.

'appa, yip yip!' shouted aang, with a swift flap of his tail appa took off. the young fire bender threw one last blast our way, he missed but only narrowly.

i had a feeling he would be a difficult opponent if we were to fight again.

aang and katara both released a long sigh. sokka just stared at me, he seemed sorry. i just turned away and sat in a meditative position, hoping that he would just ignore me too.

a million thoughts made their way through my head. was i being too harsh? it's not like he kissed her she kissed him and sokka and i aren't even a thing.

ugh, why did seeing him kiss another girl hurt me so much.

i took a long deep breath, and turned back round to face the group. i would find a way to talk to sokka and it would all be fine. it would all be fine.

katara and aang were talking. aang was upset about leaving the village and not fighting back and katara was trying to explain that he did the right thing. aang didn't listen.

he jumped off of appa and into the lake, right where the unagi was.

'WHAT ARE YOU DOING?' shouted katara.

'AANG NO!' i yelled, but it was too late, he had already got to the water.

we watched in horror as he resurfaced, this time, riding the unagi!

he rode it by the village and used it to spray water on all of the burning buildings, saving the village from becoming nothing but ash.

'i know. i know. that was stupid and dangerous,' said aang as he landed back onto appa, giving us a sorry look.

'yes, it was' katara agreed, as she looked at him and hugged him tight.


as we flew i didn't talk to sokka once.

i tried to come up with right words but i just couldn't and eventually i stopped trying.


we arrived at omashu on foot so no one would be suspicious, and a flying bison would probably give some people a scare.

'the earth kingdom city of omashu!' announced aang, as we stood on a small hill overlooking the great city.

'i used to always come here to visit my friend, bumi.' said aang, reminiscing.

katara and sokka stared in amazement at the architectural differences between this and the south pole.

omashu has changed a bit from i was last here but it still brought back good memories and a few unpleasant ones.

'well, let's go slow pokes! the real fun is inside the city!' aang teases, launching himself into the air.

'wait, aang! it could be dangerous if people find out you're the avatar.' said katara

The Last Hope : sokka x reader x zukoWhere stories live. Discover now