The Great Divide

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this chapters a lot longer than the rest because i wasn't sure where to halve it.

ily all and tysm for reading this far!

mk bye ily <3


'are you sure it's not gonna rain?' i said, stitching up one of aangs shirts.

'it's the dry season - we'll be fine' said sokka, finishing up the tent.

'hey katara!' i said as she made her way back into the camp.

'hi y/n... oh' she said, looking at the tent, 'um...aren't you forgetting the TARP?'

' it.' said sokka, throwing the rolled up tarp into the tent.

'sokka, you're supposed to put the tarp on TOP of the tent. you know, so we don't get RAINED on.' she said.

'ordinarily you'd be right, but seeing how it's the dry season, you're not. besides, that tarp makes a pretty warm blanket.'

'but what if it DOES rain?' asked katara, still unconvinced.

'but what if it doesn't? then i would have put the tarp up for nothing.' said sokka bitterly.

'ur...arg! you're infuriating!' she exclaimed.

'katara, why don't you worry about gathering the firewood because that kindling's looking PRETTY sorry.'

to be fair, she hadn't gathered very much.

'well if you don't like my firewood...' she shouted, throwing the sticks at sokka, 'have it!'

'fine by me! if you're not going to do your job!' he said, tearing the tent down.

just great

'okay, i got the grub if you guys got the...' said aang. but stopped when he noticed that the camp wasn't ready, 'hey, where's the campfire? and what happened to the tent?'

they turned around and away from each other, crossing their arms.

'why don't you ask miss know it all? queen of the twigs!' shouted sokka

'oh yeah? well you're mister lazy bum, king of the... tents!'

i sighed and carried on sewing.

aang laughed, 'okay, listen guys. harsh words won't solve problems, action will. why don't you just switch jobs?'

'sounds good.'


aang smiled and looked at me, 'you see that? settling feuds and making peace. all in a days work for the avatar.'


we made our way to the edge of the canyon, taking in the magnificent view.

'here it is, guys, the great divide.' said aang.

'wow! i could just stare at it forever!'

sokka looked unimpressed, 'okay. i've seen enough.'

'how can you not be fascinated, sokka? this is the largest canyon in the entire world.' said katara.

'then i'm sure we'll be able to see it very clearly from the air while we fly away.' he said, taking appas reins.

suddenly, a man in an ornate white robe pushed sokka out of his way.

'hey! if you're looking for the canyon guide, i was here first!' said the man.

'pretty sure you weren't.' i said, twirling my staff.

The Last Hope : sokka x reader x zukoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant