The Earthbender

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we carried on our journey north, and finally sought refuge in a nearby forest.

'are you sure it was a good idea to send sokka out to get food?' i asked, picking up a some branches and weaving them into a head crown.

'yeah he's taking ages' agreed aang, flipping a rock.

katara picked up another sheet from the wash pile to fold, 'he'll be back any second - whether he has food or not is a different matter.' we giggled.

'great, you're back! what's for dinner?' said aang when he saw sokka approach.

'we've got a few options,' sokka replied, picking small objects out of a bag, 'round nuts and some kind of oval shaped nuts, and some rock shaped nuts that... might just be rocks. dig in!'

'seriously, what else ya got?' asked katara

suddenly the forest emitted a loud rumbling noise, disrupting the calm of our break.

'what was that!?'

then, the noise sounded again.

'it's coming from over there!' yelled aang as we sprinted off to find the source.

leaving sokka with his 'food'.

when we finally tracked down the noise we were surprised to see that it was only a young earthbebder, moving a rock.

'an earthbender!' exclaimed katara

'let's go meet him!

'he looks dangerous, so we better approach cautiously.' warned sokka, being the voice of reason.

i picked up my glider, but katara had, foolishly, already run up to him.

'hello there, i'm katara! what's your name?'

he looked at her, dropped the rock, and bolted through the forest, dropping rocks to hide his trail as he went.

we decided that he had to be going to a village and followed him down to a walled earth kingdom village in a valley.

we went down to their market and searched (and tried on a few hats) for the boy.

that's when i spotted him going into a small shop.

'katara!' i said, 'there he is, the earthbender!'

'hey!' we called after him.

we ran off towards him, going into a shop.

'hey, you're that kid! why did you run away before?' katara queried.

'uh, you must have me confused with some other kid.' he replied, sheepishly. he didn't seem to want to talk.

'i don't think we do' i said

'we saw you earthbending.' said aang, as he and sokka entered.

'they saw you doing what?' asked a woman, who i assumed was the boy's mother, obviously angry.

the boy began to sweat, 'they're crazy, mum, i mean, look at how they're dressed!'

well then.

'you know how dangerous that is! you know what would happen if they caught you earthbending!' the boy's mother scolded.

then, someone knocked on the door and sokka peeked out of the window to see who it was.

'open up!' ordered a man.

'fire nation!' said sokka, 'act natural!'

the mother opened the door, and we pretended that we were shoppers. maybe we should take some acting classes? i thought.

The Last Hope : sokka x reader x zukoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant