Chapter 23

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To Orion Black, torture felt like watching his only, precious, innocent daughter repeatedly snog a peacock and make ga-ga eyes at it.

To Orion Black, it felt like a knife repeatedly being put in and taken out of his heart every time his loving, amazing, beautiful daughter smiled at a peacock in the purest way possible and receive a mirror of her emotions back.

To Orion Black, it felt like realising that his little girl wasn't so little anymore. She was growing up. 

And he hated the fact that she was. 

The worst part of it all was that he was constantly in the presence of the above three things (which may or may not be because he was stalking- ugh, I mean, keeping a close eye out for his lovely, perfect daughter to make sure that that peacock didn't do anything wrong. Sadly, he didn't). 

Ever since Lyra and Lucius had kissed under the mistletoe a week earlier, it was like they couldn't be separated. They were always together, exchanging smiles and stealing glances when they thought that the other wasn't looking.

To Orion, it was disgusting.

When he had been blessed by magic with a daughter, he knew that one day, she would fall in love and get married. However, he had also always assumed that that would happen after he died (like way after), so he hadn't exactly been prepared for all the physical and emotional affection that his dear, darling daughter and that peacock were fond of showing. 

Today, however, was different. Yesterday had been the last day of the seven-day festival of Yule, so that meant that the Malfoy's would leave this day. Meaning, he wouldn't have to see his fantabulous, sweet daughter with that peacock for the next few months, which for some odd reason, brought him unfathomable joy and happiness.

The only downside to this, was that his adorable, intelligent daughter and that peacock wanted to make the 'best' of each other before he would have to leave, so they were being stickier and were... flirting more than usual.

So, to Orion Black, torture also felt like watching his flawless, magnificent daughter and a peacock whisper and laugh at secret, mysterious words into each other's ears and behave as if they were in their own world.

And no matter what his wife insisted, no, he wasn't being overprotective. He was just concerned for Lyra's wellbeing. 

After all, people die all the time and Orion was sure going to see to it that that peacock did; if he did not take his arm off of his precious angel's shoulder's within the next minute.

His niece, Narcissa, gushed at the same sight that Orion was feeling nautious over.

"Aren't they adorable, Uncle Orion?" Narcissa cooed. "I'm so happy Cupid decided to shot that arrow..."

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