Chapter 38

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-------------------> AFTER FINISHING HIS DINNER, REGULUS BLACK excitedly chatted with Amal Shafiq

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-------------------> AFTER FINISHING HIS DINNER, REGULUS BLACK excitedly chatted with Amal Shafiq. From the corner of his eyes, he could see his sister smiling as she talked with her peacock-like boyfriend.

Regulus knew choosing peacocks over toad had been the right decision.

He could see his cousin, Narcissa, stand up and make her way over to where his fellow first-years were seated with a boy by her side. Regulus recognised him as Heir Rowle.

The conversations between the first-years were silenced upon the arrival of the two fifth-year prefects.

Narcissa flashed him a smile before speaking. "Merry meet, everyone. I am Narcissa Black and standing beside me is Leonard Rowle. I am sure you all are very tired right now, so shall I just show you to the dungeons?"

The first years chorused an excited, "Yes", eager to see their Common Room.

Leonard Rowle flashed them a lopsided grin. "And one more thing, congratulations on being sorted to the greatest house in the universe. Please, follow me."

He began walking and all of them followed him dutifully.

Regulus kept trying and failing to calm his nerves with each step he took.

Ever since his sister's first year, he could see some sort of secret pact had been formed between his parents, grandparents and herself; and it was like everybody was in on it but himself, James and Sirius. Also, whenever he had asked his father about what to expect when he got sorted into Slytherin, the only reply he would receive was a mysterious smile and the simple answer of, "Patience, my son."

His grandfathers were no better and neither were his grandmothers, aunts and uncles. And so, one could not blame him for being so nervously excited about his first day as a Slytherin, especially considering that he had been anticipating it for so long.

All he knew about tonight was the things his father had told him before he had boarded the Hogwarts Express: "You'll be meeting some very important people tonight. Don't be too surprised."

Well, thank you, father. It isn't like that sentence is enigmatic or puzzling at all.

He must have been musing for too long, it seemed, for when he flashed back into reality, neither Narcissa nor Leonard was there.

He was in the Slytherin Common Room now, and he took a second to just admire it.

It was more beautiful than he had imagined it to be.

His eyes turned to where fourteen cloaked figures were sitting regally in a semi-circle formation.

Was this the ' very important people' his father was talking about?

It clicked to Regulus at that second, and all the whisperings he had heard about the Royal Slytherin Court dawned into his mind and his eyes widened with shock as all the information he knew about the Court suddenly hit him like a ton of bricks and that was the moment it finally became clear to him the reason why all those peculiar people seemed to constantly surround his sister at parties and balls.

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