❆ ❆ IV. JAE ❆ ❆

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When Jae clambers back up on the balcony, early evening the next day — he kept an eye out for the illusionist, but he didn't seem to be there yet — he's not surprised to see Kumari doing what she always does.


"So where are they now?" He asks, casually pushing aside the magenta curtains and pulling up a chair to sit next to her.

Kumari gasps, book nearly flying out of her hands. She turns to look at him and he gives her one of his signature big grins.

She smiles back. "Jae! You came back."

"I promised I would, didn't I?"

"I have the map," she lowers her voice to a whisper, even if they're alone in the library. "Do you wanna see it?"

"Yeah, of course," he nods enthusiastically. "But why don't you tell me about your day, first?"

"Huh?" Kumari blinks. "My what?"

"Your day. Tell me what you've been up to."

"Oh," she seems confused. "I don't think anybody's ever asked me that before."

"I'm asking! Right now."

"Alright," she tugs on the corner of the page with her fingers. "I'll give it a shot."

"I'm listening."

"This morning my dad yelled at me because of what happened yesterday — see, I tried to run out the door when the sailors were leaving last night but the knights stopped me — so he said I'd have to spend my whole day in the library."

"Dang," Jae leans against his arm and rests his head on the desk. "Seems harsh."

"Not really much of a punishment," she admits. "It's not like I had anything else I'd be doing today. Of course, I figure he thinks I'm studying, but it's not hard to hide this book and pull out a math book as soon as someone walks in to check on me."

"Sneaky," he chuckles. "I like that."

"Thank you," she laughs. "So what have you been up to, ne'er do well?"

"I brought you a snack," and he places a pomegranate on the table.

"Prettyyyy!" She puts the book down to pick up the fruit instead. "Where'd you get it?"

"Stole it."

She frowns, "Stealing is bad."

"Even if it's a gift?"

"Even so."

"But it's bad to refuse a gift too, yeah?"

"Yeah," she admits. "Okay. I'll eat it."

"Masissge deuseyo."

"Çox sağ ol," and she starts splitting the fruit and eating the round red seeds.

"I've just been in the marketplace all day," Jae continues. "Looking for stuff to eat. Stopping merchants from taking advantage of customers. Stopping other thieves from stealing hard earned gold and copper coins."

"You're very strange," Kumari remarks.

"I pride myself in that fact."

"I want to go the bazaar," Kumari chews thoughtfully. "I can see it from the library and it looks like such a nice place."

"It's busy and loud and colorful."

"Sounds perfect!"

They both laugh. Jae picks a few seeds out of the pomegranate for himself and eats too.

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