❆ ❆ LV. CHIRO ❆ ❆

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Chiro knew that letting Kumari go off to dance with Alexei was a bad idea.

But that thought is a far cry from what's on his mind right now — because his mind right now is not on Kumari. Rather, his focus is completely settled on Jae.

Who stands at the front of the ballroom, directly in front of where the king sits on his... Other throne.

How many fancy chairs does this guy have?

Chiro doesn't like ridiculous intrusive thoughts in situations like this, but they always have a way of finding him. It doesn't matter though...

What does matter, is Jae's revelation of the birthmark on his arm.

Which isn't really a revelation to Chiro — it's always been there, for as long as he's known Jae. Which, granted, isn't a very long time, but a dozen or so days is more than enough to get used to the strange tattoo-like symbol on Jae's arm. At any rate, it's not a revelation at this point, especially since Chiro's very used to seeing Jae's arms bare.

But it's certainly a revelation to the king and his son.

Everybody's already left the ballroom — Chiro had seen and heard the king bark at the guards to get the guests out of there, and they'd left in a hushed hurry, not wanting to displease King Korol.

"What is it?" He hears Kumari's voice ask, her gaze darting between Jae and Alexei rapidly.

"It's..." Alexei sounds like he can't believe the words coming out of his own mouth. "The Ruisean royal birthmark."

And Chiro feels his eyes growing as wide as Kumari's are, as Alexei continues, his own eyes wide as well, "I-I explained it to Jae earlier, when we were in the library together... Showed him a book on Ruisean history, a-and he got surprised when he saw the birthmark... I had no idea—!"

"You," the king whirls on Alexei, Jae forgotten for now. "Were talking to him? You're dancing with her? Right in front of me?"

Alexei attempts to hide behind Kumari, but it's no good. He's much taller, and even if he weren't, she's too skinny whereas his shoulders are broad.

"I'll deal with you later, Alexei. I'd have you leave right away, but I might as well let you watch as I deal with what you must think are your friends."

"I haven't gotten my answer, you know!" Comes Jae's vicious, seething voice. Chiro doesn't think he's ever seen him that angry before. "Explain this, this thing on my arm!"

"You don't deserve to have it!" The king turns back to Jae, voice just as vicious. "Non-Ruisean scum."

"That is not an answer."

"I'll tell you the answer, boy! GUARD!"

A Ruisean soldier standing at Korol's side salutes, "Yes sir!"

"Get me a glass of cleaning fluid."

Everyone's confused, the soldier included, but he nods, says again, "Yes sir!"

Then scurries off to a corner, pouring a bottle of soapy liquid into a cup, and then scurrying back to the king's side.

"Good. Now pour it on Jae."

"What?" Jae wrinkles his nose, still angry. "In this cold—? YEOOOW!"

He screeches like a cat with wet fur, and wipes away droplets from his face in disgust, shivering uncontrollably as he does so.

And everyone gasps — everyone except the king, of course.

"I'd been hiding that for years," Jae whimpered, humiliated.

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