❆ ❆ XXIV. CHIRO ❆ ❆

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Chiro had sincerely hoped they wouldn't wake up to pirates, but here he was.

The good news is, that he had been able to sleep until noon. Chiro wasn't sure when the last time he hadn't gotten up early was — too long ago to be able to say. He was always awake early, doing his chores or shopping or practicing magic, then staying up late at night performing for Kumari.

But that spell had really done a number on him — he'd probably have passed out right away if it weren't for his anxiety keeping him up longer than it should have.

So yeah, the good news is, Chiro's well rested.

The bad news is, uh. Well. Chiro's anxiety wasn't for no reason.

Sure as heck, something knocks into the side of the train, shaking the entire inside. But that's not what wakes Chiro up, oh no. He would've been sound asleep even after that, having gotten used to the way the train rocks as it started rolling across the ocean sometime past midnight.

Nah. What wakes him up is Jae being thrown out of his top bunk and landing sorely on the floor, with a noisy grunt of pain and a yowl.

"Huh?!" Chiro bolts awake, "What! What's going on?"

Jae rubs his back, wiping his eyes blearily. "Ugh... That's what I wanted to ask you."

"What time is it?" Chiro mutters in confusion.

"Like," Jae glances at the clock on the wall of their room. "Noon."

"I missed breakfast," Chiro puts a hand on his stomach. "No wonder I feel sick. At least I'm not sleepy..."

"Yeah yeah yeah," Jae gets up, wincing as he stretches. "But we should probably worry about what's wrong with the train."

"OH RIGHT," Chiro's eyes widen and he gets up too. He sees Jae's tank top lying on the floor where Jae himself had been just a few seconds ago, and tosses it at him. "Come on get dressed, I think it's pirates."

"It can't be pirates," Jae argues. "Unless that spell Uzuri gave you didn't work."

"That's exactly what I'm afraid of... We need to go to the observation deck and check it out."

"It's probably just a storm," Jae yawns. "Can I go back to bed..."

Chiro heads over to the window and pulls up the curtain, revealing bright blue skies.

And a black tugboat.

"Wait a minute," Jae presses his nose against the glass. "That's no pirate ship."

"You're right," Chiro does the same. "And it's definitely not Arcadia."

"There's no Jolly Roger..."

Chiro frowns, "But there's still no way it could've rammed into us. Nothing can get through our shield."

But they watch as the tugboat comes closer and closer to the side of the train.

"Observation deck," the boys say in unison.

"I'll get Kumari," Chiro says.

"I'll get a knife," Jae throws his shirt on, and his vest on afterward, shuffling at least three daggers into the pockets.

Chiro opens his door only to be met face to face with Kumari.

"Good morning Chiro!" She chirps.

"Ohayo gozaimasu," he says, rushing. "Are you okay!"

She holds up a small white object, "Goldy laid an egg! She must've gotten scared when the train shook like that."

"Breakfast," Jae calls from the back of the room.

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