❆ ❆ XVIII. CHIRO ❆ ❆

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As evening falls, the train slowly pulls into the harbor, waves calmly lapping at the shore tinged red in the sunset, the sky becoming darker and darker.

They've arrived in Huven.

"It's not icy here," Kumari points out.

But before Chiro can reply, the woman's voice announces throughout the train, "Welcome to Huven, kingdom of flowers and forests. King Mfalme is happy to have guests in his beautiful lands."

Hmm. Chiro doesn't remember this... He remembers the king being rumored to be very secretive and bitter, not fond of strangers. Most people didn't even get off in Huven for fear of him. Train said none of this last time.

He then remembers Kumari's father.

Kings are hardly ever nice.

The woman's voice continues.

"The Ocean Express will remain in Huven harbor until tomorrow evening, after which we will be departing for Axeria, kingdom of rain and rivers. Please enjoy your stay until then, and thank you for riding with us."

Chiro finishes dinner right after Jae and Kumari, and Kumari's practically bouncing in her seat.

"We get to see Huven!" She claps. "Huven! All the pretty rainforests! Maybe we'll even see a corpse plant."

Chiro nearly chokes on his drink, "Corpse plant?"

"You know," Jae shrugs. "Rafflesia. Titan arum. They smell like dead people."

"They're both SUPER BIG! And native to Huven. I wanna seeeee."

"Better hold your nose," Jae jokes.

"We're actually getting off the train, aren't we?" Chiro asks.

"Of course," Jae narrows his eyes. "What'd be the point of coming this far without exploring?"

"I just stayed on the train for all the stops the Ocean made..."

"You didn't have a squad to roll with," Jae winks. "Come on, let's go see the town."

Chiro gets up sighing, Kumari practically leaps out of her seat. They make their way through the narrow train corridor, finding their way to the front door, pushing open along with a few other passengers getting off at Huven, luggage in hand.

"Oh right," Chiro nods. "Some of them aren't going all the way to Qiluca."

"And some will be getting on here!" Kumari chirps. "More new faces."

There are knights positioned by the train, but they're obviously not Cevalonian knights — they are not dressed in the proper full armor, their dark skin is revealed as they only wear a breastplate and tassets, ceremonial armor in nature, and to keep cool in the humid weather.

Either way, Huven hasn't gotten word of the escaped Princess of Cevalon and her two rogue friends. So the trio feels comfortable, not having to keep their heads down.

But Chiro is still anxious.

Jae notices — Kumari's too excited, scurrying around the beach, picking up seashells and poking crabs who snap at her fingers when she gets too close.

"What's eating at you?" Jae elbows Chiro softly in the ribs. "You look crabby."

"Heh," Chiro watches as a crab scuttles by him. "Just a little."

"What's wrong? We're pretty safe here, and we go to Axeria tomorrow."

"I'm thinking about Howl," Chiro answers. "And pirates in general. Our train."

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