❆ ❆ XXXV. KUMARI ❆ ❆

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Kumari thinks she likes being spoiled.

They arrived in Qiluca (after the train labored over a very high and winding mountain to get there, the kingdom being on the very top) a few hours ago, and almost immediately had Daren shuffled them off the train and into the city shops, to buy them proper clothing.

But first, they'd gone into a book shop, as Chiro had to replace the copy of No Longer Human he'd pretty much stolen from one of the passengers onboard the Ocean.

"What are you looking for?" Yasmin had asked, as Chiro rifled through shelves of books.

At that moment he'd finally found it, and pulled it out to show them.

"Ningen Shikkaku," Daren read and recognized. "For you?"

Chiro shook his head, "No. I got it off the train earlier, and kind of ruined it."

"It is one of my favorites though," Kumari mentioned.

Daren smiled a fascinating smile. "You have very good taste in books."

Once that was done, they were on their way to a clothing shop, as mentioned, Daren with the full intention to spoil Kumari.

She doesn't allow it, of course, she just met this very strange but very charming detective, and she's not about to let him go broke buying her all these things that he wants to buy.

Shoes, jewelry, perfume, oh my!

Instead, she consistently redirects Daren's attention to be focused on buying simple Qilucan-style clothes for her and her friends, and making sure he spends her money that she went to all the trouble of converting at a bank — such a strange place, a bank is!

"I like shopping," Yasmin says, as she asks Kumari to twirl around and show her the outfit she'd put on. "It's been awhile since I've done it. Don't you like it, Kumari?"

"I've only ever been at Cevalon's bazaar," Kumari says. "And only once or twice just recently. So it's really kind of strange, but also really exciting!"

"That's how it tends to be, honestly. Anyways, what do you think of this dress?"

Kumari puts a hand on her tummy and frowns, "I don't like this part. I'll get cold!"

"And Daren will stare too much," Yasmin sighs. "You're right. I'll go get you something else before he comes back."

"HEY KUMARI!" Jae sounds very excited, and it makes Kumari happy to hear, he was so mopey and tired after dealing with Tadao... One night of rest really will work wonders.

"What is it Jaejae?"

"Check out this VEST!" He swaggers up to her, gesturing up and down. "Huh, huh? It's got even more pockets than my old one."

"It's perfect," Kumari marvels. "The pockets are even big enough to hold Goldy! Maybe I should get one."

"You oughta. Oh, by the way," he points at her stomach, "Nice belly button. Mine was cut differently, doesn't look like that at all."

Kumari shrugs, "Was cut by royal Cevalonian doctors. I figure it's not the same as an Axerian belly button."

"Here we are," Yasmin arrives, a new dress in hand, one that's bright orange, fading into pink. "This should be perfect."

"How many dresses have you been through?" Jae asks.

"Kumari's picky," Yasmin teases. "We might be here for another day."

Jae groans.

"Don't be like that!" Kumari shoves him. "It took you as many as ten dresses for us to find one vest!"

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