❆ ❆ XXI. CHIRO ❆ ❆

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More like, what could possibly not go wrong.

The moon had grown larger since the night Chiro had first caught Jae escaping from Kumari's tower, now halfway revealed in the night sky, providing some semblance of light in the dark jungle — along with the candle Kumari's carrying — as they make their way to the great pyramid.

The first thing he sees in the combined lights of the moon and the candle, is a scarab skittering out of the entrance just at they're about to head inside.

Chiro can't contain his scream.

Kumari — who'd just whispered "Cooool" — clamps her small hand over Chiro's mouth.

"Be quiet!" She says. "Or they'll know we've come for them."

"Imf soffy," comes his muffled apology, and Kumari pulls her hand away.

Jae brings out his new knife and stabs the scarab with it.

Chiro yelps, but softly. "You didn't have to do that...!"

"I thought it'd make you feel better."

"Get in already," Kumari complains, shoving both boys forward.

The three stumble into the pyramid entrance. A few grains of the stone insides crumble and clink to the ground, startling Chiro once more. He curses himself for being so easily scared.

Kumari takes his hand and he immediately feels better. Jae takes his other hand and the safety doubles.

They slowly make their way through the cavern, sticking close together, shoulders always pressed up against each other's. Not only because it was safer, but also because there wasn't a lot of space in the winding stone corridors of the pyramid.

"There's ancient Huveni hieroglyphs on the walls," Kumari murmurs.

"Can you read it?" Jae asks.

"I don't know it very well, and can't read in this light... But from a glance it's all spells. And warnings."

Chiro gulps, "Sounds about right."

"No time to worry about that then," Jae grumbles. "Let's just hope we don't—"

Chiro hears a clanking. His eyes look down to where Jae's feet are, and he's stepped on a stone tile, a symbol Chiro doesn't recognize.

An expletive escapes Jae's lips that would make even Howl blush.

"Uh," Kumari says, gaze darting around, pigtails flailing. "Run?"

There's a whizz of a dart and Kumari's suggestion now rings like an order, as their feet hit the ground of the corridor. Sometimes more tiles are pressed and more arrows start whizzing — the tips are aflame, lighting up the corridor, introducing them to a bend. They immediately take a right, and as the sound of arrows stop, they skid to a stop as well, just over a pool of water.

"I can't swim," is Kumari's immediate statement, looking down at the water, the reflection of the candlelight on the water shining on her face, making her glow.

Like a ghost.

"I don't think it's water," Jae lets go of Chiro's hand, leaning down. He touches the tips of his fingers to it, then pulls back with a yowl.

"What's wrong?" Chiro asks in a panic. "Are you okay?"

"Argh," he flaps his hands, trying to flick off the remaining specks of liquid. "Acid."

"How long has that been there..." Kumari breathes.

"At least a century. Didn't do anything to dull the pain."

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