❆ ❆ IX. CHIRO ❆ ❆

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Chiro's very worried.

Chiro always worries, but this time even more so, because of—

Whatever this stuff is.

A pointy piece of crystal hanging from his window breaks off with a snnnap, falling into Chiro's awaiting palm. It's as smooth and clear as diamond, and reflects a rainbow of colors when he holds it up to the Cevalon sun.

But when he does hold it up to the sun, what also happens is that it slowly turns into simple water, dripping down his hand and all over his sleeve.

He yelps, trying to shake off the trickling cold liquid.

But the fact he can't stop shivering isn't the worst part.

The worst part is... 

His magic doesn't work.

He needs light and heat to make illusions.

He has plenty of light, as evidenced by the Cevalon sun shining all over the crystal-covered kingdom, making everything shimmer with blinding white light.

But obviously, "It's too cold."

He's certainly not going to be able to perform for Kumari today.

Not that he has been... He and Jae have been taking Kumari to the bazaar every day instead. True, only three days including the first so far, but that's what they did. However, Chiro once had used his illusion magic to best a menacing snake charmer, so if any accidents of the sort happened today, he'd be quite useless.

He's not very strong or very smart, all he has is his magic.

And thanks to this crystal curse, not even that.

Chiro sighs, watching the puff of air escape his mouth as he does so.


He still has to go to the castle, magic or no magic.

Time to see how Kumari and Jae are faring against this peculiar weather...

He throws on a sweater and rushes through the village — movement keeps a person warmer — trying to make his way to the castle, up the steps, towards the tower...

Except he can't help but notice the main gates are left wide open.

That's unusual.

Chiro debates internally.

He knows Jae is probably with Kumari by this point, and it'd be best if he were to rendezvous with them as soon as possible.

But the doors are never open except to welcome guests.

So what gives?

Chiro looks towards the tower, way high up, where Kumari spends all her time.

Chiro looks towards the inviting gates, curiosity piqued, and a bit of fright too.

He curses under his breath.

Jae is rubbing off on him.

So he dashes into the castle, and presses himself up against the wall, trying to make himself small and unseen. It's much warmer in here, to his relief... There's a fire lit in the throne room, and seeing as woven tapestries are dripping wet, the crystal must've already turned into water.

Does heat make it do that?

Wait. He has to focus...

It's warm enough for a spell.

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