❆ ❆ LIV. KUMARI ❆ ❆

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Kumari's pretty surprised when Jae has absolutely no objection to her plans for the ball tonight.

"Jae!" She says, as he comes by her room. She picks up the dress the king had his tailor make for her and shows it to Jae. "Look! Isn't this a nice dress?"

"You wear that, and everyone's going to think you're not just a fairy tale princess, but a fairy tale bride."

She laughs and he laughs, but as they laugh she notices Jae's actions give away that he's really tired and worn out.

"But it looks nice, right?"

"Oh yeah. You'll look great. What's it for though?"

"A ball!"

"A ball?"

"Did nobody mention it to you?"

"Nah," he shakes his head. "I've been holed up in the library since I went off yesterday."

"Oh right right," she nods. "Find anything interesting?"

"You could say that," he replies, with a sigh, coming to sit beside her.

She tips her head, "Are you okay, Jaejae?"

He leans his own head on her shoulder, "Yeah. I'm fine. Just tired, and getting a little impatient."

"I'm sure you'll find whatever you're looking for soon," she reassures. "I'm sorry we weren't any help, King Korol just really knows nothing."

"I wouldn't say that," he mutters.


"Korol and Alexei are hiding something," Jae's eyes are icy and narrow. "I'm sure of it."

"Wouldn't be surprised, I guess," Kumari sighs. "Alexei really does seem nice though."

"Your heart goes out to him?"

"Just a little."

"Bet you're hoping you'll see him at the ball."

"Kind of. I'm hoping I'll see you there, too? If you're okay with me and Chiro going."

"I'm okay with it."

"Really?" Kumari's genuinely surprised. "After the last party I figured you'd hate it."

Jae shakes his head, "No, go have fun. And blend in — if we don't go, I think they'll suspect that we're being, you know. Suspicious."

Kumari giggles, "Makes sense to me. Hey, what'll you be wearing?"

"Huh?" Jae shakes his head. "Oh. I wasn't gonna go."

"Huh?" It's Kumari's turn to say that. "Now you're being suspicious."

"I gotta go back to the library," Jae insists. "Haven't found everything I'm looking for yet."

"The way you say that makes it sound like you're close, though."

"Oh Kumari," he grabs her shoulders, looking into her eyes. Kumari flinches, because her brain stops for a moment — she's not sure whether she's seeing Alexei or Jae. "I'm so close. I am so close."

"You've found something," she lowers her voice to a whisper. "Haven't you?"

He nods, slowly but surely.

"Won't you... Tell me what it is, Jae?"

Jae puts a finger to her lips, "Shh. I promise I will — I'm just, I'm not sure yet. If I told you now, the ball wouldn't be as fun. Go dance with your white-haired prince, and if I find that it's true, I will tell you."

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