❆ ❆ V. KUMARI ❆ ❆

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This sucks.

Kumari had been so excited! She had a new friend, discovered a mystery, was about to take her first trip to the bazaar...

And the illusionist had to ruin everything.

There he was, just behind Jae. Surely he'd tattle on her to her parents, and end up having Jae thrown in the dungeon — let alone what would happen to Kumari!

Her day had barely begun and here it would come to an end — nevermind the fact that it was already evening. The train would leave soon and Kumari wouldn't get to see it.

"Where do you two think you're going?" She hears him ask Jae.

"To the bazaar," is Jae's curt reply. "What of it?"

"You think I'm going to let you take the Princess and galavant off into danger?"

"I'm not asking your permission. Now get out of the way."

Chiro's voice is soft, "I just don't want her hurt."

"She's not getting hurt," Jae is soft too. "That won't happen."

"Of course not. Because I'm coming with her."

"HUH?" Kumari demands from way up above. "Say that again?"

Chiro looks up at her and Kumari can see his amber eyes.

"I'm coming with you!" He repeats to her. "Would that be alright, Your Highness?"

Kumari realizes she's never heard Chiro's voice before.

She realizes Chiro's never talked to her before.

Understands that he isn't going to rat her out...

He wants to help.

"Okay," is Kumari's immediate reply. "Sure! I'll be right down."

Jae splutters, utterly and obviously confused. "Kumari, you're kidding me!"

"Nuh-uh," she starts going down the rope. "The more the merrier!"

"But he's—!"

"Somebody I've wanted to meet for a long time," Kumari finishes Jae's sentence for him.

"I'm honored," Chiro bows slightly.

"Don't boOOOOOW—!" And Kumari miscalculates her movements, letting go of the rope, unable to grab it again, falling to the ground.

She braces herself for impact, eyes shut tight, but...

She hits something, but it's warm and not at all hard like the rocky ground.

Kumari pokes one eye open.

Only to see Jae's smile.

"Told ya I'd catch ya," and he winks as he gently sets her on the ground.

"Are you hurt?" Chiro rushes over to her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm okay! Thanks to Jae. Thank you for asking!"

Chiro breathes a sigh of relief. "Princess, I um, know who you are, but... "

"We've never formally met, uh-huh," Kumari puts out her hand. "I'm Kumari!"

"My name is Chiro."

While Kumari had expected him to shake her hand, he instead takes it and brings it to his lips, leaving a kiss on the back of her palm.

Kumari giggles, "My my, How formal! Only Qilucans do that, and only with my mom."

Chiro is Qilucan — she knows this because her parents had told her so, but she'd only just remembered upon his behavior.

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