Chapter Five

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I always loved the weekends. Not only did they give me well-needed time away from college, but they also meant I had the opportunity to go on dates with Jase. The two of us decided to take a stroll through the park, which had always been one of my favourite places. I observed as a small red squirrel scurried past the two of us, and up into a not so distant oak tree. I had to admit, that was pretty adorable. I had always loved animals, and Jase knew as much. I probably spoke about them a lot. My parents had never really bought us any pets. They thought that they wouldn't get properly looked after, and as the both of them were busy with work, and my brother and I were busy with school, I couldn't really argue with that. Still, though, I supposed it was a little disheartening. 

As we walked on, we soon came to sit beside a green pond in the park, and I caught sight of my reflection in the ripples of the waters- my big brown eyes were staring back at me. Those were undoubtedly my favourite feature, and I was sure that Jase probably agreed with me there, too. 

"Are you sure that you're okay with me training with the football team so often, babe?" Jase asked me. 

"Hey," I began to say, "I told you that I would be flexible with your plans this year, didn't I? That includes me allowing you time to go and train. I know that this team is really important to you. I mean, your mum is the coach of the team, Jase. I'm not about to get in the way of that," I assured him. 

He smiled back at me at that statement. 

"You know you're great, right?" he asked me. 

I just smirked, and took my camera out of my backpack, so that I could begin to take some pictures of the scenery of the park around us. 

After a short while, I focused the camera on Jase, and he waved back at me. 

"Come here often?" I asked him. 

He just chuckled, as I snapped a photo of him. 

"I wasn't ready!" he said, as his eyes widened in mock-shock. 

I shrugged. 

"It'll make a good candid," I assured him, then. 

Jase seemed to smile at the thought of that. 

He soon stood up again, and the two of us continued to walk through the park, for a short while. 

Soon enough, an orange fox ran nearby the two of us. 

"Woah," I said. 

"I know," Jase replied. 

"I've just never seen one so up close before," I said then. 

Jase turned to me with a mystified expression. 

"What?" I asked him. 

"Are you going to take a photo of him?" he asked. 

"Firstly, we don't know that the fox is a boy, Jase. Let's not go assuming that now," I told him, to which he responded with a gentle laugh, "And secondly, I wouldn't want to scare the poor fur baby off," I added. 

Jase's deep-set green eyes warmed a little in response to that declaration. 

"You really can be adorable at times, you know that, right?" he asked me. 

"I may have heard that be said before," I replied. 

The two of us continued on our walk, until we got to a park bench. 

The both of us sat down upon it, and I gently rested my head against Jase's shoulder, as he pulled a book out to place on his lap, and then some reading glasses, too. 

Jase wasn't a big fan of wearing them, and I knew this. Nevertheless, I had to say that they did seem to complement his style well. 

"Hey, if I ever am too preoccupied with the football team, just let me know, okay? I want to be fair on you, and it wouldn't be fair to be constantly leaving you for practice, you know?" he said, then. 

"I appreciate it, Jase, but I don't mind it all that much. Contrary to popular belief, the popular boy's girlfriend does have a life outside of being the girlfriend," I stated, then. 

Jase's lips twitched a little in his amusement. 

"Yeah, you're right," he replied, as he smiled at me momentarily.

I just smiled back at him, as I felt that familiar warmth resonate in my heart again.  

Jase just reached out to gently tuck some hair behind my ear. 

"Hey, it's starting to cloud over. You want to head back home?" he asked me, then. 

I gave a nod of my head in response to that question, as my eyes looked briefly towards the silver clouds up above. 

"Yeah. We should probably get going," I told him, in my agreement. 

We ended up walking pretty quickly out of the park, as I felt rain droplets fall upon my head. It was fortunate that I had brought a jacket this time around. I usually relied on borrowing Jase's, and then ended up feeling pretty bad when he got drenched. 

"I'll see you soon, babe," Jase told me, once we got to the familiar red front door of my house. 

"Of course," I told him. 

Jase waved me off, and then headed away. 

I wandered into the house, and soon found my brother playing video games in the living room. Today it looked as though he was an assassin. 

"Oh, you're alive," Mikael said, as he looked up from his game briefly, before his eyes went right back to focusing on it. 

"Yes, I'm alive," I said, rubbing at some of the water droplets that had clung to the skin under my eyes, "And some enthusiasm about that subject would be nice, you know," I said, with a smirk. 

Mikael simply raised his shoulders. 

"No enthusiasm, only play," he stated, evoking a chuckle from me. 

He really did love his games. 

Mikael was only fourteen, but he had found his passion in life. He wanted to make his own video games, one day, and I could only encourage him when it came to that matter. I was sure that he would be great at it. He had always been pretty artistic. I wasn't that artistic, but I had been told I was good at photography, so that was predominantly my main hobby, at present. 

Mikael finished the level of his game, and then his eyes moved to me as he appeared to briefly analyze my expression. 

"Something on your mind?" he asked me. 

"Huh? No," I said. 

Well, apart from the fact that Jase had seemed to be in a rush to leave earlier. I figured it was probably just down to him needing to go home to get on with some work. It was nothing to really be all that concerned about. 

"It's fine," I assured him, "How's school going?" 

Mikael's cheeks became a little flushed at that question, which could only point in one direction, towards his crush. 

"I made Beth cupcakes in an attempt to get her to notice me more," he told me. 

"And did it work?" I asked him. 

"She liked them," he said, a small smile appearing on his face. 

"You are so cute," I said. It wasn't meant to come out teasingly, but Mikael just pulled down some hair over his forehead, seeming to take it that way. 

Mikael just waved dismissively, "Go, go now. I need to play," he told me. 

I just gave a slight shake of my head in amusement, but then agreed, and walked my way into the kitchen so that I could help my mother out with cooking dinner for this evening. We were going to have turkey roast dinner, which was one of my favourites. Dad was currently peeling potatoes for it. 

"You okay, honey?" my mother asked me. 

"Huh? Yeah. I'm all good," I replied. 

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