Chapter Seventeen

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With everything that was occurring, I knew that returning to college was going to be simultaneously the best and worst time of my life. On the good side of things, I was one step closer to graduation. All of the hard work that I had put in to my courses would soon pay off. On the other hand, though, I was still experiencing the nightmare that was Sara Bridgers, and she hadn't even spoken to me. 

That was just the thing, she didn't even have to speak to me! She would just narrow her eyes at me, or start muttering to her friends whenever I was around, which seemed a little odd to me. It was especially odd to me, given the fact that she had been the reason behind Jase and I splitting up. 

I just ran a hand through my hair, tucking it behind my ear, before wandering to sit outside my next class. 

I just needed some quiet time to think, and I would have gone and bombarded Brooke with conversation, but I knew that she was currently busy studying away, and I wasn't about to disrupt her. The final exams were at the end of the week, and classes were going to wrap up for the summer term imminently. So, people really were getting down to business with their final projects. 

I had fortunately already submitted all of mine. I had found time over the weekend, after Mikael's girlfriend had returned home. 

Beth really was a sweet girl, so I was happy for him.

Mikael may have been young, but I also knew that my brother was smarter than a lot of the kids in his grade. I figured that due to this the two of them had a chance of lasting quite a while. 

I wasn't sure what was next in store for me, but with Brooke flirting with me, or at least what I thought was flirting, I found myself unsure of what to do next. 

I had never really flirted with a girl before, and I didn't want to get involved with something that my mind may have just been making up to exist. 

I mean, why would a girl like Brooke like a girl like me? 

I was nowhere near as smart, funny or sporty as she was. I was just the bookworm- the quiet girl who worked overtime in the library, and wrote stories as her primary hobby. 

However, despite these differences, Brooke and I had become amazing friends. That was a truth that couldn't be denied, and it made me smile every time I thought about it, honestly. Brooke really did mean a lot to me. Had I not known her, while all this Jase drama was going on...well, I didn't know what I would do. My life was beginning to become happier again, thanks to her being a part of it. 

"Hey Bennett!" Brooke beamed, as she sat down beside me in class. 

"Miss Smarts, if you could please lower your voice," Miss Capedem requested. 

"Sure, ma'am," Brooke replied, and then smiled towards me, "How are you?" she asked me, in a hushed tone, as her eyes became filled with a glint of curiosity. 

I found myself smiling back, naturally. 

"I'm good. How are you?" I whispered back. 

"Good. I'm also good," Brooke said. 

"Girls," Miss Capedem warned us, a second time. 

I just swallowed, a little nervously. 

Brooke's ocean-coloured eyes just seemed to bore back into the teacher's, though. She didn't seem to care as much as I did, as she tapped her pen against the desk for several moments. This just caused Miss Capedem to look towards her with irritation. I could tell that she would rather just ignore her, though.  

Brooke had never appeared to be that bothered about getting on the teacher's good side, anyway. 

"We should go for a walk after class," Brooke whispered to me, once Miss Capedem was away from our table. 

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