Chapter Eight

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I knew that Brooke was going to be busy the next few days, as she had to go and visit her 'Christian grandmother' as she referred to her. I had never been that religious of a person. I was more of an agnostic, but I knew that my mother went to church from time to time. 

In her absence, I planned to spend some time with Jase and his guy friends. It was fortunate that Sara probably wouldn't be there. I had nothing against her, personally, but I got the sense that Brooke had taken a deep dislike to her, and it was slightly unnerving. 

I began to get ready for the day, and put on a pink bandeau top which helped to accentuate my collar bones. I then headed into the bathroom, so that I could paint my nails to match my outfit, and then finished off the look with some jeans and white trainers.

In the knowledge that my parents had gone out to work for the day, and that Mikael was out with Beth, which was quite frankly adorable, I had a few moments of solitary silence, in which I could prepare myself to meet with Jase's friends. 

Now don't get me wrong, I knew that they were all nice guys. That didn't change the fact that I always got the teeniest  bit of anxiety, when I knew that I would be meeting up with Jase and his friends. 

They were pretty cool with me, though. I really didn't have all that much to be worried about. I supposed there was just this slight part of me that wished that Brooke was going to be there. Although, I wasn't too sure what that was about. I supposed that Brooke just brought this kind of calm with her, which you wouldn't expect from her frequently fiery personality, but it still was a key part of her. I supposed that was one of the reasons why I liked her so much. 

She would be back soon enough, though, I was sure. She would just be away for a few days. Besides, it wasn't as though I didn't have her phone number by this point. The two of us had texted pretty much every day since she had left. Sometimes, even more frequently than Jase and I texted, which was strange, but it was pretty nice to have that sort of friendship with somebody that I knew was so close to Jase. 

I soon heard a car beeping away outside my house, and quickly grabbed my bag and placed it over my shoulder, before rushing down the stairs to fetch a jacket. I then walked my way towards Jase's car, and sat down in the back seat of it. 

It wasn't all that cold outside, admittedly, but it was best to be prepared. I had read the weather report, and as usual we were expecting rain in the afternoon. The only thing that could be said about the English weather was to forever expect the unexpected. 

Jase and his friends greeted with me, and I returned the gesture. Then, I let my head rest against the headrest of my car seat as we journeyed on. Admittedly, I didn't have the foggiest as to where he was going, but if anyone had taught me to be a little more spontaneous, then it was Jase, and more recently, Brooke, too. 

I supposed that a sort of excitement and adventure could be found in doing new things, too. 

 I watched as Jase's jaw seemed to relax and then become a little firmer when we got to congested road areas. Jase had never been a big fan of driving, in all honesty, but I couldn't blame him. After all, we did live in London. It wasn't exactly the easiest of places to drive around. Regardless, he was a pretty safe driver, which was nice to know. 

I had unfortunately forever been a nervous passenger, but Jase really did set me at ease, as I could always depend upon him to do so. 

"I thought that maybe we could go and grab some pizza," Jase stated, then. 

I turned to him with a half-smile. 

"You're always so thoughtful," I reminded him. 

"I try my best," Jase said, as he pulled into the car park of the nearby Italian place. 

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