Chapter Seven

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I awoke a few mornings later to a very real, and very terrifying realisation. I was late for school. It was the first day that I had been late all year. I was probably supposed to be half way through my literature lesson by now! Never fear, though, I would just feign a doctor's appointment. 

I stumbled out of bed so quickly that I ended up knocking down the picture of the tropical beach that was placed on my bedside dresser. Now was not the time to worry about that, though. When I walked out into the hallway, I found that my parents and brother were nowhere to be found, which meant one of two things. One: they had been kidnapped by aliens, which would be rather unfortunate, as it most definitely wasn't their time, or two: they had simply gone to work. 

I figured that it was the latter of these two things. That one seemed a little more logical, at least. 

Walking speedily into my bathroom, I began to ready myself for the day ahead. 

I placed a little mascara to make my eyes stand out a little more, and so that I didn't look entirely exhausted, and then I proceeded to put on a grey sweater and jeans before heading out to the local bus stop. 

Fortunately, it didn't take all that long to arrive. 

In an ideal world, I would arrive to college on time every day. These things just happened at times, and I couldn't get all that mad at myself for it. I knew that I would be at school soon enough, and then I could just catch up with any work that I needed to do in the library.  There were a lot of possibilities for ensuring that I got all my work sorted, so that managed to calm my nerves down a little in time for me arriving at the school. I didn't need to be so stressed out about being late. 

I checked my watch and found that I only had ten minutes remaining of class, so if I were to go there now, it wouldn't make a lot of sense. Bearing that in mind, I decided to take myself to the cafeteria so that I could purchase a berry smoothie. It was delicious, and just the kick I needed in order to wake myself up. 

Jase had a tendency to run on coffee, but I thought that couldn't possibly be healthy. 

The cafeteria was pretty empty, so I had plenty of seats to choose from. It was almost eerily quiet, too, as I went to sit down. Without the hustle and bustle of the other students, the school almost felt like a ghost town. 

Fortunately, it didn't remain that way for long, as I found Brooke walking towards me. 

"Camping trip! You in or nah? By the way, the second answer isn't an option," Brooke told me. 

"Jase didn't invite me," I replied. 

Brooke raised an eyebrow at that. 

"Jase didn't invite you? Are you kidding me?" she asked me. 

I gave a slight shake of my head at that question. 

Brooke just sat down opposite me and exhaled in what I figured was slight irritation. 

"Well, that's ridiculous. I'm inviting you, now," she said. 

I smiled at that. 

"Thank you, Brooke," I told her. 

She just gave a slightly dismissive wave of her hand. 

"Don't mention it, seriously. It's just what I'd do for a friend," she told me, as that perfect smile appeared on her face, and made me feel a little warmer. 

I returned the kind expression. 

Brooke seemed a little lost for words, momentarily, but soon found them, "Uh..." she started, as she moved a hand to her neck, seemingly a little nervous, yet once again I had no clue why. It wasn't as though I was intimidating like the one and only Sara Bridgers, after all. 

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