Chapter Ten

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Brooke's birthday began the next week, and so I was busily preparing her present for it. I knew that I may not have known Brooke very long, but she was already a dear friend of mine, and I wasn't  about to just let her turn nineteen without a gift from yours truly. I wasn't entirely sure on what to get Brooke. However, I knew that she loved reading, so a few books were a must. I also bought her some chocolates because who didn't like chocolate? I, at least, had never met anyone who didn't. 

I knew that not everyone liked birthdays, but I had never really understood why. After all, birthdays were simply an excuse for cake, right? How could you not enjoy that?

The day was a sunny one, as we were now in the middle of April, which meant that the flowers were blooming outside, and baby bunnies became present in the garden, every so often. They were certainly a blessing to see. 

Anyway, I began to braid my reddish brown hair because it was being unruly, again. Once that was done, it was time to head to college with the gifts for Brooke. I just hoped that she liked them. I supposed I had this sort of desire to impress her, although I didn't have a clue where that had come from. It was strange, but I wasn't going to think about it all that much. Brooke was just a good friend, that was probably the reason as to why I wanted to make her happy. 

I supposed I also did have these dreamy ideals about the future of being with Jase, and also being friends with his friends. I didn't want to let any of them down. Some people, though, like the one and only Sara Bridgers, just seemed a little more difficult to get to know. I could only hope that I would get there eventually. However, I didn't want a friendship with Sara to interfere with my friendship with Brooke. So, that was a slight problem. 

I arrived at college on time, which could be considered a miracle. I supposed the fact that it was Brooke's birthday had made me want to get there early. It had probably also helped that I had forced myself out of bed a little earlier than usual, so that I could prepare Brooke's presents, too. 

I went to classes for the day, and fortunately they passed by pretty quickly. The literature lesson of the day was just focused around Austen. In Psychology, we continued the topic on attachment, and I may have slightly zoned out on my final class of the day. It was fine. Probably. I would just catch up at home, when I got time. 

In the knowledge that I had a busy evening ahead of me, what with going to Brooke's house to watch movies with her and everything, I wasn't holding out much optimism on getting time to do any studying today. 

I wandered down one of the main college hallways, and soon enough I was joined by Jase. 

He had a sweet smile upon his face, so I figured he had a good weekend. 

"Hey," I greeted him. 

"Hi," he replied. 

"How are you?" I asked him. 

"I'm okay," he said, "Just exhausted. I feel as though I was training all weekend. I really need to be a little more fair on myself. The final games are at least two months away." 

I nodded in agreement at that. 

Jase had a tendency to work incredibly hard, but sometimes I felt that he could really do with just taking a break. Besides, some days it felt as though I barely got to see him, especially recently, and I hadn't minded it that much because Brooke had been around, but still, I couldn't help but miss him. 

As I let my eyes glance over Jase's face, I found that he had silver circles under his eyes, evidence of his exhaustion. 

"You need to sleep more," I told him. 

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