Chapter Twelve

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A week had passed by since the forest walk with the others, and I had hoped that matters were going to begin to get a little better for all four of us. 

However, it didn't seem as though that was going to be the case. 

Brooke and Sara were barely talking, and Jase and Brooke only really seemed to speak briefly in classes. 

What exactly had occurred between the three of them? 

I wasn't sure if I actually wanted to know. Although, it seemed if I did, I wasn't going to get answers any time soon. 

Whenever I brought the topic up, which was rare,  nobody exactly seemed enthused to talk about it. As such, I still didn't know what had happened, but I was determined to get answers. 

I wandered into the bathroom so that I could apply a few coats of mascara to my lashes, and some lip-gloss to my lips, before fluffing up my hair a little. 

It was beginning to get uncontrollably thick again. I would probably have to get a haircut soon enough, but I still looked pretty cute, admittedly. It was good to have some self-confidence, especially when my anxiety had risen over not knowing what was going on with my boyfriend and his friends. 

Once I was done, I stepped out of the bathroom again, and began to take a walk down the college hallway towards my locker, so that I could grab myself some papers to carry on with some work. 

I hoped that everyone would be friends with each other again, soon enough, but I didn't want to give myself false hope over such a matter. 

Perhaps not everything was meant to be the same. I just wasn't sure how I was going to function if I couldn't have both my boyfriend and my now best-friend, too. What was I going to do without Brooke? 

I didn't really want to think about it. For some reason, the notion of not having her around anymore hurt more than I had expected it to. 

I just exhaled, and simply carried on my walk to the library, sitting down at the first free desk I saw. How had it been that a week had passed by, and yet it felt like everyone had been on a friendly basis months ago? 

I supposed that was just a part of growing up. Time felt weird and a little disorientating at times. 

I wasn't alone in the library for long, before Jase arrived to join me. 

He just sat down opposite me, and I felt as though a chill had become present in the air. 

Something in his expression unnerved me, but I couldn't tell if it was more his look of exhaustion or guilt that concerned me more. 

"Are you okay?" I asked him. 

"Fine," he said. 

I just sighed, and then met his gaze. 

"You know, when you say you're fine, but sound like that, it's not going to exactly fill me with a lot of optimism, right?" I said, nervously drawing my lower lip in for a moment, so that I could taste, on my tongue, the strawberry lip gloss I had applied. 

Jase gave a slightly amused smirk at my comment, and just looked down towards his hands, which looked slightly beaten up. 

"What happened?" I asked him. 

He looked as though he wasn't sure what I was talking about, but then looked down to his hands. 

"Oh, this? I just helped my dad out in his workshop recently," he explained. 

I gave an understanding nod, though I couldn't say I understood all that much. 

Had this been what had preoccupied him so much recently?  

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