Chapter Twenty-Four

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I ended up waking up mid-day on the first day of August, which wasn't great, and I wished that I had more time to have a fulfilled day. However, that just meant that I would have some time to spend with my parents and younger brother. With all the time that I had been spending with my friends recently, I hadn't had much of a chance to talk to them. I also missed my father's cooking, and I had plans to start baking, too, which I very much needed to get started on, whenever possible. However, I had been grateful for the days I had spent during my summer so far, lounging around with Brooke and the others. Brooke was beginning to talk more to Sara, too, which I was glad to hear about. I knew that they weren't going to become firm friends over night, but any progress was good progress. 

Mustering up the strength to get out of bed, finally, I opened my curtains. I watched as a goldfinch fluttered past, and smiled towards it, but then it began to tweet away at me. 

"Yeah, I get it. I'm up late and my hair looks like a lion's mane. You really don't have to point it out," I said, beginning to motion my hands through my hair. I decided that it was probably about time I got ready for the day, or at least what I had left of it. 

I grabbed a brush and began to motion it through my hair until it was all de-tangled. I then proceeded to put on my outfit for the day. August brought with it slightly cooler weather, so I managed to get away with a t-shirt and shorts. 

After that, it was time to head downstairs for...I checked my wristwatch...brunch, I figured, decisively. 

"Good morning honey," my mother greeted me. 

"Hey mum," I said. 

She was currently busily working away, so I would make time to talk to her more soon enough. For now, though, I needed to eat. 

I grabbed some bread out of the bread box, and then placed it in the toaster. 

I could see my dad outside, hanging up the clothes that had just been washed. 

Damn. I really did need to wake up earlier. 

My dad was a fairly selfless person. He always ended up helping out around the house, and I probably should have helped him out a little more, but he didn't seem to mind. I had been spending hours with my friends, and then when I wasn't with them, I had been starting my own book and progressing with the development of my photography skills. As busy as my parents had been with their work, it was safe to say that I had been pretty busy, too. 

The bread popped out of the toaster, and I added a slather of margarine to it, before eating it. 

I looked outside for a second, and caught a glimpse of a red squirrel scurrying across the grassy lawn and up into the nearby oak tree. 

"It looks like a beautiful day," my mother said with some optimism, as she joined me. 

She was right, of course. 

I knew that Brooke would be busy helping her dad today, and then she had plans with Freddie, too, but I hoped that we would be able to spend the afternoon together. Besides, it was always really nice to watch the sunset with her. It felt strange if she wasn't nearby when I did, these days. 

Of course, there was still an important step to take in our relationship. 

"When are you going to ask Brooke to be your girlfriend?" she asked me, then. 

It was a pretty good question, but I supposed that I had just dreamt up this future in which Brooke asked me. My mother did have a good point, though? What was to say that I couldn't ask Brooke to be my girlfriend? As I finished up my slice of toast, I considered this matter a little more. 

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